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Regular updates??!?!? WhO iS sHe?!?!?

If you cant wake up from the nightmare, maybe you're not asleep.

You shot straight up, panting hard, a cold sweat running down your face. Your eyes were clouded by a haze of darkness. The room felt more open, so you must have fallen asleep on the couch watching movies. You glance around, eyes adjusting to the darkness. Natasha lies sprawled out on an armchair to the right, and Wanda lies to the left. Wasn't Wade here before? You glance around, scanning the corners, only to find him curled up in the fireplace. Okie Dokie. You decide not to question it.

Slowly getting up, you made your way to the kitchen, silently padding along the hardwood floors. You avoided the ones you knew would squeak, not wanting to wake the others. When you made it, you pressed a few buttons, waiting silently for your coffee to be brewed. The time on the clock in the kitchen read 8:34 pm. Jeez. You guys must have fallen asleep at noon or something. A quiet ding signals that your coffee is ready, even though you probably shouldn't be drinking anything with caffeine at 8:30 at night.

You pull the pot out of the machine, watching the dark brown liquid splash into your mug.

"HEY YOU PIECE OF FUCK!" A shrill voice sounds in your ear. You whip around, slamming the pot of steaming coffee onto the side of your attackers head, making it shatter into a million pieces, scalding your hands ever so slightly.

"FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK" An all too familiar voice screams. 

"Wade?" The lights turn on to reveal the mess that had unfolded in front of you. Wade was clutching his head, shaking, as the dark brown liquid soak into his bright red suit. "Holy shit Wade I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" Footsteps thumped down hallways to where you were standing.

"Ah, it's fine. Look," He stood up and slapped the spot where you had hit him. "all better." The other Avengers assembled (hehe) around the kitchen, some snickering, some annoyed.

"The hell just happened?"

"Wade, that's your fault."

"MY COFFEE MACHINE!!!" Tony shrieked, staring at the shattered mass on the floor, the lukewarm floor coffee seeping slowly outwards from the point of impact. You rubbed your neck in embarrassment.

"Sorry about that Tony..." You trailed off. "I should start cleaning up." Tony chuckled, his panic quickly gone. Wade snickered at you as he sashayed off with the others to clean his suit. You grabbed a dustpan and quickly went to work on the glass, but a tingling sensation on your neck made you turn around. You were being watched.

Sure enough, you whipped your head around to see the Winter Soldier himself, glowering down at you from a few feet down the hall. You locked eyes for a good five or so seconds, glaring each other down. After your staring match was over, you had reigned victorious, your irate glare winning over his apathetic stare, and he turned swiftly on his heel, retreating to who-knows-where. Fuck that guy, "Bucky". Who does he think he is to be so pissed off at me after all he did to me.


Bucky's POV:

Ugh, that damn girl with her intense glares. Her eyes were just so piercing that I had to look away, even if it meant losing to her. Every time I looked at her, all I could see was her smug face as she pulled away from me, dangling the keys to the locked door, another near successful escape plan by the woman that did that the best.

I was trying a different technique of interrogation today, one where she had no restraints, no handcuffs, nothing. Nothing but me and a heavy duty door between her and 'escape'. I sat in my chair and she sat in hers, both of us glaring silently at the other.

"So who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?" She questioned sarcastically, cocking her head slightly to the right.

"Unless you're telling me what I want to know, then shut it." I snapped. They haven't let me sleep for a while.

"What exactly do you want?" Her voice drawled slightly, trying to stress the fact that she "didn't know" why they were interrogating her. I stayed silent, my gaze never wavering. "I see. Ya know, we're both pretty strong. I bet if you worked with me, we could both get out of here. I can tell you're not here on your own free will." She stood from her chair, planting herself on the table in front of me.

"Sit back down," I ordered, losing some of the authoritativeness in my voice due to a large amount of confusion.

"I am sitting. Just on the table." Dear god, she was infuriating.

"Fine." I stood, leaning against one of the close walls.

"Oh, you're no fun." She muttered, crossing her legs and leaning back onto the table. "So they don't even tell you whats going on, just what you need to do and how to do it? Sounds like a toxic relationship to me." She popped the "p", eyes snapping up to me. "You should come with me," She started, rising from her place on the table and slowly sauntered over to me. "I can forgive you if you help me out of here." I should have taken that chance when I was presented with it. Instead, I stayed stoic and still, back pressed to the wall and arms folded in front of me.

She finished her cat prowl walk over to me, placing her hands on either side of my head, trying to establish some dominance in the situation. It was working. It was like I couldn't even move. I was basically frozen. What is this?

She slowly leaned in, tilting her head ever so slightly to the right, her lips parting slightly. I still can't move. Her lips brush up against mine, hers somehow still soft after months of torture and beatings. She goes back for a second time, this time, hungrier. Suddenly, my lips start to work with hers, an angry rough kiss. She pulls back, a smug look on her face, leaving me utterly bewildered.

"What the hell?" I whisper-shout roughly. Why would she do that? Why did I enjoy it so much? She steps back, lips almost smiling, eyes almost laughing. Her arm lifts and a light jingle catches my attention. Keys. She rushes forward, slamming my head into the wall behind me, leaving me temporarily incapacitated.

"Whats wrong, Soldier Boy? Afraid the big, bad, boss man is gonna kill you for havin' some fun? She jabbed, puckering up and kissing the air. "Muah, muah." She swiveled on her heel, moving to the door and attempting to unlock the many locks only four of the five locks accepted the key. "What the hell, Winter? Wheres the other key?" She screeched, whipping around only to find me slowly clambering to my feet. "Fuck you, Soldier Boy." And so we fought. Again.


Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, I've just been dealing with a lot of stuff. I've been lied to in the worst way possible, betrayed, and all-out emotionally destroyed, but never fear, because I finally wrote a scene that I've been needing to write for the longest time, and I hope you guys like it. I hope to get on a tighter update schedule. but knowing me, I can't promise anything. As for the song of the chapter, I have to give it to "&Run" By Sir Sly. You should check it out.

What do you guys think of me making a Stranger Things fic? Let me know!


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