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You sat on Sam's bed, trying to catch up, while Steve watched. "Why would they tell me that you were dead?" Sam questioned.

"I have no idea." You responded blandly, still trying to get over the shock that he was alive.

"They told me all these gruesome things about what they did to you (Y/N). They showed me a picture of your body. It was horrible. I thought they had tortured you..." He trailed off.

"They did." You said softly.

"What?" He responded, voice slightly frantic.

"They did torture me." You pulled up your shirt and rolled up your sleeves, revealing the horrible scars. They were everywhere, long, short, there was even one where they had cut a prefect circle of your skin off and poked your ribs. Sam gasped, and Steve made a small noise. It must look worse from their angle.

"I was held there and tortured for information for three years. When I didn't give any up, they tossed me in the sea after shooting me in the leg. They thought I would bleed out or drown. I would have if i hadn't been found by Fury."

"You know Fury?" Steve asked, a hint of anger in his voice.

"Yeah. He patched me up for the most part." Then you realized something. "Sam, if your alive, does that mean that Riley's alive?" You said hopefully. Sam only looked down and shook his head.

"No. I'm sorry. RPG knocked his sorry ass out of the air. It was like I was only up there to watch." You looked down, trying to hold back your tears. Riley was like your brother. You remember the day your captors told you that Sam and Riley were dead.

"So Ms. (Y/L/N)," He slapped you in the face, leaving you dazed. "I have some great news. You'll love this." You stared off into space, barely hearing his words. "Sam Wilson and Riley Thompson were killed in action as of last night at twenty-one hundred on the dot. He looked at your eyes, which were beginning to glaze over with tears. Ms.(Y/L/N), did you hear what I said? Your only hope, your only friends, are dead!" You let out a large sob, only earning you another slap. "You have no hope now." The man smirked and walked away, and you pulled against your restraints, screaming for them to let you out, and that you would kill them all. And you meant it. You wanted to kill everyone in this godforsaken place. For what they had done to you, and to avenge your best friends. You were going to kill them all. They dragged you back to your cell, not even bothering to untie you from the chair. When the threw you in, the chair splintered beneath you and you launched yourself up. You sprinted to the cage door, only to get slapped again and punched in the ribs.

You stood slowly, hearing the guards laugh at your pain. You definitely had at least one broken rib. They chuckled again and slammed the cell shut, leaving you to peer through the small barred window. They were still laughing when they joined another entourage of people, all armed and seemingly leading someone down the hallway. The guards were too tightly packed for you to make out much, but you could have sworn you saw a glint of metal on his ar--

You were shaken out of that horrible flashback. A huge breath of air escaped your lungs and you gasped loudly. Sam was holding onto your shoulders, still shaking you "I'm okay Sam! Stop shaking me, I'm okay!" He stopped, but the look on his face told you that he knew that you were far from okay. You looked around. "Where's Steve?" You asked, noticing the huge super soldier was missing from the wall he had been leaning on earlier.

Sam looked you dead in the eyes. "Flashbacks aren't uncommon in this tower. He went to grab Tony to come make sure you were alright. Sometimes it takes a while for people to wake up and they can get pretty violent. What did you see?"

I don't want to talk about it." You said, not entirely snapped out of your daze.

"(Y/N), you have to. Its the only way to help get rid of them."

"I was reliving the day they told me you had died. It was the worst day of my life..." You trailed off as Steve rushed back into the room at full sprint with Tony in tow.

"Can you tell us about it?" Sam questioned. You really didn't want to, but you knew he was just trying to help. So you told him about that day from start to finish. The look of concern on his face slowly turned into one of horror as you spilled your guts, telling them about the whole time you were held prisoner. How they tortured you, tried to erase your memory, and how quite frankly, you weren't sure if they had succeeded or not, but how you were pretty sure they had. Once you finished, Tony had turned a slight shade of green and Natasha and Clint were standing at the door.

"(Y/N)?" Steve asked lightly. You looked in his direction. "Can you tell me more about the man with the metal arm?"


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was so much longer than the others, but I got the idea into my head and I had to get it out. Im also sorry if this chapter gave you the feels it gave me, but it probably didnt seeing as im much more invested in the story than you are. Also, shout out to buckyfandom for commenting, voting, and reading most of the chapters in this book!(I know its sad, but I have no life and I thrive off of positive reinforcement.) Give this a vote and a comment if you enjoyed!


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