Chapter 4

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Two Years Later

   "Now I want everyone to listen closely. One wrong move around these beasts it can all go haywire..." Professor Fidel called out to the class, giving a swooping look across each students face. Sitting at the front of the class room was a large glass box. It contained a silver snake like creature that slithered around the tank, however on it's body it sported large purple wings that fluttered occasionally.   " Occamy's are a very protective creature, and are also choranaptyxic. Can anyone tell me what that means?"

Only two people in the class raised their hands. Those two being a duo of beast-fanatic Hufflepuffs. "Yes, Mr.Scamander?" The teacher called with a tone in his voice, tired that the two students knew almost everything about his subjects.

" It means it adjusts to any size environment sir." Newt answered sheepishly, realizing he's sounding like a know-it-all now.

"You're correct. The Occamy can shrink or enlarge it's body to fit any space it needs too. This can be handy at times, for when you need a pocket size creature, or hectic when you've got a beast that's bigger than a dragon." The teacher went on, "It's very territorial and can be very aggressive over it's possessions. Their eggs for example," Mr.Fidel pointed out the shiny silver egg that the Occamy encased," Are made of the most pure and soft silver. Very very valuable. "

The teacher droned on and on about the Occamy beast, soon making everyone write down all of the facts about them in their notes

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The teacher droned on and on about the Occamy beast, soon making everyone write down all of the facts about them in their notes. Lillian was bored, dipping her quill in ink again and again, waiting for the class to get over with. She wanted to experience the creature, not just study it. She already knows enough about them to last her days.

Sighing, she stopped playing in her ink and pulled her quill  out, starting to doodle on her paper instead. Deciding to spark up a conversation with her friend, she quietly whispered over to Newt as she focused on the Occamy she drew on her paper. " Do you think we could stop by Dogweed and Deathcaps in Hogsmeade this weekend? I need to buy more Dittany plant for potions class." She asked, waiting for a response from him.

Several moments passed without a word. Confused as to why he wasn't answering her, she looked up to see his in a almost trance like state. Staring off across the room, he looked like a star-struck idiot. Lillian followed his gaze and her heart burned as she saw it was aimed straight at the back of Leta Lestrange's head.

Leta Lestrange was a forth year just like them, but was placed in the house of Slytherin. Her name carried a lot around with her, everyone knowing the Lestrange's were a highly influential pure-blood family in the wizarding world. But there was only one thing Lillian Knight could say about Leta.

She was jealous of her.

Leta was a beautiful dark skinned girl who was bold and smart. And someone who caught the eye of Newt Scamander. He never admitted it, but it was always something clear in his eyes when he looked at her. Lillian knew she had been beaten by the Slytherin.

A pang of hurt filled her and she forced herself to swallow it down. She had to live with the fact that he liked another girl, one whom she didn't even trust. Lestrange might have been a popular student that everyone liked, but she held an air around her that gave Lillian bad vibes. Leta was too prideful over her reputation . She was a girl who would do anything to keep her name out of mud.

Biting the inside of her cheek, Lillian finally called out again. "Newt!" She said louder but still in a whisper, hitting him. He snapped out of the trance and reached up to rub his hurt shoulder.

"Ow, what was that for." The freckled boy whined, glaring at Lillian.

" You wouldn't stop drooling over Lestrange." She muttered to Newt, going back to drawing.

Newt stuttered, embarrassed he'd been caught. "I-I wasn't drooling over her." He tried to defend himself.

Lillian rolled her eyes," Sure." She scoffed, slightly bitter.

Newt got back to work, occasionally sneaking glances back to Leta. However, he had finally caught her gaze, causing him to become flustered as she sent a smile his way. He gave back one of his shaky smiles and a little nod. Lestrange turned back around to work, letting the boy release the breath he didn't even know he was holding.

Collecting himself, he blinked a few times and looked down to Lillian who was ignoring her work to draw. " Hey, you want to come over tonight? Dusty has been missing you and I've been trying to tell Alexander to stay out of trouble but he doesn't listen to me." He asked the Hufflepuff, causing her to look up. She avoided his eyes, thinking over an answer.

Dusty and Alexander were two of Newt's creatures in his case. Dusty being her favorite attention seeking bowtruckle that she was first introduced to and Alexander being a pesky niffler that loves Lillian and listens to her. Over the past four years that they've been at Hogwarts, Newt's collection of beasts continued to grow and grow. Ever since his father put a larger extension charm on his case, he's been able to harbor larger creatures. Of course though, there was not many beasts a forth year could obtain let alone take care of.

Tapping her fingers on the desk, Lillian shrugged."Sure I guess, we can head by before dinner." She told him. He nodded, happy his friend would help out. Soon enough the clock tower rang and classes for the day were dismissed. Closing their books and capping their ink back up, the duo left the classroom. Chatting on their way to the Hufflepuff common room, they were cut off by a voice approaching them.

"Hey, Scamander." Both of them turned to see Leta Lestrange trying catching up to them. As she stoped in front of the two, her hair bounced neatly back into place and she flashed them a smile.

"Oh- uh, Lestrange." Newt cleared his throat," Can I help you?" He asked, standing a bit taller.

Lillian had her eyes focused on the ground, chewing her inner lip again. It was a bad habit that she needed to stop. " I was just wondering if we could walk for a bit." Lestrange suggested kindly. Newt quickly looked back at Lillian, hoping she was ok with him leaving her.

She was not.

"Its's fine. Go ahead, I'll go take care of the others." Lillian told him with a tiny smile. They both knew what she meant when she said 'others', but Lestrange cast a curious glance.

"What others?" She asked.

"Its's nothing really," Newt lied smoothly, flashing Lillian a thankful smile before walking in the other direction with Leta. Whenever they turned around however, Lillian's smile immediately left her face. She shouldn't have let him go, she should have fought back. But she couldn't, she had to be supportive of Newt and what he wants.

With a loud sigh, she turned and continued on her way towards the Hufflepuff Basement. Guess she'll have to tend to all of the creatures tonight by herself.

At least they love her.

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