Chapter 8

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    For a whole week, Lillian Knight spent sleepless night in the St. Mungo's hospital. The skin on her arms, legs, and torso were left a blistering red and were welted. No matter what spell the nurses would cast, she was still left in a state that was not decent. They could stop the pain with potions but the girl soon found out she would be living with the horrible scars on her body.

Meanwhile, during the Christmas break, everything at Hogwarts was also not as joyful or happy. In fact, it was a very stressful and chaotic environment for the Headmaster, Newt Scamander, and the Ministry. When Newt's beast had attacked the Hufflepuff girl, every animal in his case was exposed. The headmaster was coming close to having no choice but to expel the boy, and the ministry was trying to obtain the case and creatures from Newton. However, professor Dumbledore, the transfiguration teacher, was in strong defense of Scamander.

Newt's trial in court was posted for two days away. Lillian still had no clue on what was going on outside of the hospital because her parents didn't think she was ready or healthy enough to deal with all of the stress. However, the silence was eating her alive.

It was three days after Christmas and Lillian's family was visiting her again. Her younger twin brothers were climbing all over her bed, dumping out a large bag of candy goods in her lap. "Mum let us pick some stuff out for you-" Jason told her, sorting through some of the chocolate.

"-and we might have eaten some of it on the way here." Jake continued, picking up something else and shoving it in his mouth. Their mother smacked his hand and the two of the ten year olds giggled loudly. Lillian rolled her eyes at her younger siblings and smiled.

"The nurse says they can release you tomorrow morning sweetheart." Her father told her, walking back into the room and taking a seat. Lillian was relieved and wanted to get out of the wizarding hospital as fast as she could. She didn't want to worry about her injuries anymore.

The night was supposed to be relaxing as Lillian still felt droopy from the potions that were numbing her pain. But it wasn't long before everyone had to face the current problem. A sudden knock came at the door, silencing the family. The door opened slowly to reveal a tall elderly man that was clad with a  short white beard and trench coat. Lillian perked up quickly, still feeling hazy but alert.

Lillian's father stood up and formally introduced himself to the professor Dumbledore. He shook his hand and the teacher spoke up,"I'm here to ask your daughter important questions about the attack. " He had informed him. Mr.Knight quickly became defensive, ready to tell the man to leave. Lillian went to stop him, knowing professor Dumbledore had no harm.

"Dad, it's okay. I trust him." She spoke up from the hospital bed. Everyone casted a glance towards the girl before her dad finally gave in. Soon her family had left the room so the teacher could talk to Lillian privately.

"Miss.Knight, I understand you and your family have been going to many terrible accidents recently, and I apologize dearly for the misfortune." He started, taking a seat next to her bed. "However, I believe one of my students, Newt Scamander, is about to be in a lot more trouble than necessary. I was hoping you could help me in clearing his name." He explained simply, pulling off his coat.

She blinked a few times in the mentioning of Newt's name, many mixed emotions coming up. "Yes..." Lillian urged him to continue.

"You see, the ministry is holding a case for Mr. Scamander Friday evening to claim that he was harboring his beast in order to attack students on campus." The girl gasped lightly, appalled  anyone would think of such a thing." Of course, we both know this is false. It's only a lie made up so they can obtain his creatures and use them for their own purposes." Dumbledore tell her." I have a speculation, Miss.Knight, that you and Scamander have been taking care of these creatures for years now, for educational reasons. Am I correct?" He paused and looked to her for an answer.

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