Chapter 9

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Two days later, Professor Dumbledore had arrived at the Knight's house to pick the girl up. He arranged to escort Lillian to the ministry for Newt's court case that morning. They took the floo powder network from the house fireplace. Lillian still not completely used to the feeling of being sucked through a tube.  Soon enough, they both landed in the bustling hall of the Ministry.

Lillian was amazed at the unique designs of the obsidian building. However, the amount of wizards pushing their way through the crowds was a bit overwhelming. Dumbledore joined the people, making Lillian rush to catch up. The small girl having to jump around a bit not to loose the professor. She looked up at the ceiling but it seemed never ending with the columns of windows to offices lining the walls.

Dumbledore led her to one of the elevators, being a gentleman and letting her enter first. As they stood in silence, Lillian's nerves began to grow. This was serious, she was about to enter a court room that could decide the fate for Newt and his creatures. She wondered what Newton would think of seeing her now. Lillian tried to dress nice and formal, but the pretty dress isn't enough to distract anyone from the scars on her limbs. They were nasty and she was feeling self conscious, but the professor told her otherwise and complemented her earlier that morning.

Taking a deep breath, she held onto the elevator railing knowing if she didn't she would be flung every direction. Others piled into the small place and the doors closed on them. The next minute, they were flying backwards at unbelievable speeds. A few turns and stops later, Lillian felt like she was going to be sick.

There was a reason as to why she never became a big Quidditch player. She never was the best to handle the fast moving speeds.

Luckily for her, the professor told her to get off at the next stop. Lillian was more than glad to push by all of the people to get off the wild machine. She's probably not going to like the ride back.

Dumbledore waited a moment so Lillian could regain herself. He was mildly amused she could handle the floo network better than an elevator ride.

When the girl finally caught a few breaths and didn't feel as sick as before, they finally started to make their way down the obsidian hallway. It was darker this time, dim torches flickered from the walls and each step the two made echoed loudly through the tunnel. Lillian was scared to say anything, even though she had fifty million questions to ask Dumbledore. She didn't know what to do or say in defense, and she guessed they were rapidly approaching the case.

Before they reached the end of the hall, the professor stopped and turned to Lillian. "Miss.Knight, when you are in here, only speak when addressed. Don't try to talk to Mr.Scamander, even after the case, no matter what. I will be asking you questions about his case and creatures, but if someone brings up what happened the night of your attack, you go along with Scamander's story." He gave her simple directions to follow, and the small girl nodded in confirmation.

They approached the large wooden door and he opened it, him going in first this time. Lillian took a glance around and held her breath as about twenty pairs of eyes landed on them. They were all people of the ministry sitting in their high stands, looking down at the two. Lillian's lip quivered and she crossed her arms, wanting to hide her scars. Maybe it was a bad idea to wear a dress. They could try using her injuries against Newt, claiming how dangerous the beast really was.

Out of no where, large chains clanked together above them. Lillian and the professor both looked up to see a large steel cage hovering near the tall ceiling. She was horrified to see a sort of yellow dragon chained up inside of it, scratching away at the bars. It screeched loudly, shaking its head and breathed fire out through his nose. Lillian had never properly seen the beast before, but it was obvious that he was the one who attacked her. A shutter went through her body as she recalled the feeling of being burned alive. It's not a very pleasant one to say the least.

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