Chapter 5

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   "Oh come here little buddy." Lillian cooed, picking up the niffler in her arms and hugging it. It made squeals of excitement, using it's long nose to rub against her neck. It's been almost two weeks since she last came into Newt's case and all of the creatures missed her dearly.

On her shoulders some of the little ones climbed up on her, nuzzling her cheeks. She laughed as it tickled her behind her ears. Putting down the niffler and pulling the small creatures off her, she sighed happily. At least something can keep her mood up.

Lillian moved back into the shed and started to pull out she different kinds of food everyone. Tragically, she spilled a cup of the main feed but the creatures didn't seem to mind as they scrambled to eat it off the floor. Lillian scrunched her eyebrows together, looking down at them. "Bloody hell, you act as if Newt never feeds you." She muttered under her breath. Taking all of the food out of the shed so she wouldn't make a bigger mess, she started to individually feed all the different types of beasts.

There was still only small creatures Newt had but there had been bigger additions over the year. The majority of Newt's creatures were rescued from cruel situations. They were to be nursed back to health by people who could show them love. Newt's mother was a highly trusted individual for the job. Before she went into breading Hippogriffs she was a care giver that learned how to take care of all different types of beasts.

So as Newt's mum is given new creatures to help, she gives Newt some of the creatures she had already looked over for a while. The latest addition being a Demiguise that was quite shy.

Lilian walked over to the Demiguise's small nest and crouched down to meet it's height

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Lilian walked over to the Demiguise's small nest and crouched down to meet it's height. The beast was only two feet tall and was a small yeti-ish creature. Her fur was a nice silky silver that was very soft to pet. The Demiguise had the ability to see the most possible outcome of the near future, and when threatened, it could turn invisible. They are commonly hunted for their fur so that they could be made into invisibility cloaks.

The creature looked at her with it's big black doe like eyes. Lillian reached an arm out gingerly, allowing the Demiguise to wrap a small hand around it. Leading it out of it's dwelling, she invited her over to everyone else eating. However, it had other plans and ran back into her nest.

Lillian sighed, knowing the shy creatures wasn't ready yet to be around all of the others. Taking its food, which consisted of two peaches from the kitchens, the Hufflepuff leaned back in and gave them to her. The creature dropped one on the ground at her feet as she started to nibble on her first one.

Seeing as that was good for now, Lillian walked back to the main group and sat with them. Many of the creatures took they're piece of food and came up to sit on her. The niffler finding a comfy spot on her lap like a dog. Not that she protested.

"You guys like me, right?" She asked no one in particular, knowing they can't respond.

"They might only like you because you feed them." A voice said teasingly from behind her, startling the black haired girl. She turned to see it was only Newt, sitting on the set of steps outside the door of the shed watching her.

"You're back." Lillian commented, turning back around to watch everyone eat. She heard him stand up and soon he was sitting beside her on the floor, petting some of the creatures who came up to him. "So, I was thinking for Hogsmeade we could stop by Honey Dukes and then grab some butter beer before-" Lillian paused, sensing something was off with Newt. "What's wrong?"

Newt was looking guiltily at her, rubbing his hands nervously, unable to look her in the eye." I- I might have already made Hogsmeade plans this weekend." He admitted.

"With who?"

"Leta Lestrange." Lillian emotionally sunk again. "I was hoping you wouldn't mind Lillian. You see, it- it's sort of my first date with a girl and everything." He confessed, slightly embarrassed.

So now it was even considered a date. Even better.

Putting on fake smile, she busied herself with a little bowtruckle on the floor. "No, of course not." She replied simply, glancing up to see he had a wide smile on his face. At least he was happy.

But she couldn't keep doing this. It was an awful feeling every time she lied to him, and she knew it would all build up in the future. But for now, she was content with at least being his friend. Lillian wouldn't know what to do without Newt and his creatures.

After a long silence between the two, they listened to the sounds of the small animals chewing on their food. Suddenly, Lillian's stomach grumbled loudly, embarrassing her. "Why don't we head to dinner, I'm sure the Hall is starting to fill up by now." Scamander suggested, standing up and holding out a hand to help her. She took it, lifting herself up onto her feet before releasing his hand brushing off the dirt.

"There better be blueberry pie tonight or someone is going to have a stern talking to."

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