Chapter 7

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It was finally Lillian's favorite holiday of the year. With snow falling on the Hogwart's ground like a smooth blanket, everything around seemed to be more peaceful and everyone was in a cheery mood. Christmas was only five days away and the castle was bustling with everyone trying to go home for the holidays. Lillian was among the crowd, packing up her belongings to get on the train.

However, beside her luggage sat a carefully wrapped up present that had been stashed under her bed for a month. It had red paper with a nice little string tied around it into a bow. It was a present to Newt Scamander, but she was very hesitant to give it to him now. It had been a month since the two had actually had a conversation with each other. They were driven apart, even though neither of them wanted to be.

Lillian knew why they had been. Her jealousy over Leta Lestrange was off the charts, and Lillian had speculation that Lestrange was trying to get rid of Lillian too. Ever since she had run out of the case, Newt has stopped talking to her which was nothing next to normal. He wasn't the type of person just to forget about a person, let alone someone who was his best friend for two years. Lillian had reasons to believe Lestrange had told him to stay away from her.

Newt had changed all of his seats in his classes to the farthest from the girl. He no longer sat near her at the Hufflepuff table during dinner, and when they passed each other in the halls, Newt would avoid any eye contact with her. It was heartbreaking that her only friend she really had, not to mention the boy she liked, had taken her out of his life. Now all Lillian did was sulk quietly in her classes and sit in the library drawing people again. It was never as fun drawing people than Newton's fantastic beasts.

Lillian wondered how the creatures were holding up. A lot of them were attached to her and she has yet to see them for a long time.

Yet today, Lillian held the shiny red gift in her hands whilst fighting an internal battle. She had picked out Newt's gift before things became complicated. It was a nice Hufflepuff scarf her mum had made and a small blue bow tie that fit his look. maybe he didn't want any gifts from her anymore. He might reject it from her. No, Newt couldn't do that.

She had to do this. She can't waste a nice present like this, and maybe they could make up and become friends again.

Outside of the castle, the large clock tower had started to count down the hour loudly, reminding her she only had an hour and a half to get on the train back home. Making up her mind, she forced her way out of the dorms with her present in hand. Sneaking into the boy's dorms as quickly as she can, she peaked her head into the fourth door to left. The room was empty as always and on the floor sat his case that was unlocked. That meant someone was normally in there.

Carefully she opened the case and dipped her foot inside, making sure it caught the ladder. Shuffling down with the present, Lillian spun around when she got on the floor. The small cabin like room was silent, and nothing much has changed with the exceptions of a few notes, food, and books scattered around. Lillian guessed Newt was just in the enclosure area, and walked up to the door carefully.

Pushing it open, only the sight of small creatures caught her attention. When all of the beasts realized who she was, they came crawling towards her excitingly. The lovely demiguise wanting to be picked up and hugged affectionally. "Why hello there-" Lillian told the yeti like figure. The creature nuzzled it's head into her neck and made small sounds of enjoyment. The girl continued to rub its back as she walked around, looking for the Hufflepuff boy. He didn't seem to be in any of the small enclosures, which confused the girl greatly.

"Newt?" She called out and was met with no response. Her eyebrows knotted together, wondering why the case was opened when no one was down here. Suddenly a loud crash could be heard from across the place, startling Lillian.

It seemed she spoke to soon.

Pulling back a large tarp to reveal another area, she was shocked to see Leta, struggling to calm down a large creature that was beneath a scorched sheet. Whatever it was, it was a beast. Two times the size of any student and Lillian never remembered Newt taking care of a creature this big. It was growling loudly and thrashing violently as Leta tried calming it down with the cloth. It wasn't having any of that.

Alarmed, Lillian put both the demiguise, whose eyes quickly flashed a bright blue, and the present down to help. But just as she got close enough, the creature bellowed loudly and suddenly a bright light flashed in the room. In a second the sheet on the beast burned to a crisp and a large burst of fire was heading straight for the startled girl. As fast as she could, she shielded her face with her arms but the blast was so powerful that she was thrown back on the floor harshly. The flames hit Lillian's skin violently and a scream erupted from her throat.

The attack lasted long and it had certainly left a mark. Lillian was on the floor crying out for help as her skin felt like it was melting. Finally, it was over but the pain coursing through her body told her otherwise. She was left sobbing loudly before a loud footsteps were heard.

"Lillian!" Newt's voice called out as he spotted the girl, quickly running to her side. Her arms , legs, and stomach were all scorched and her clothes were in pieces as she rolled around trying to get the pain to stop. "Lillian! Lily look at me!" Newt cradled her face and tried to get her to open her eyes but she was in too much pain. Glancing up at the slightly shocked Leta, he shouted for her to go get help.

Lestrange was hesitant and it took another yell from Newt to push her out the enclosure and the case. Newt sat there on the ground, holding a sobbing Lillian, pulling out his wand and trying any healing spell he could remember. Unfortunately, nothing was enough to help.

For ten minutes they sat together, Lillian finally passing out from everything. Newton was relieved that it wouldn't cause her any pain when she was unconscious but he was still extremely anxious. All of his creatures were about to be exposed because of this accident and he might lose all of them. This has to be one of his worst nightmares.

Soon many teachers rushed in, all slightly wary that they were in a case, the most significant to Newt being Dumbledore and even the Headmaster.

"What happened?" The headmaster asked demandingly, joining the crowd around the girl. All whilst other teachers shot spells at the still raging beast since he was frightened by all the new people. Newt cried out for them to stop, but couldn't focus on anything as the teachers demanded to know what happened.

"I- it was- my fault-" he lied, catching the eye of Leta who was crying in the back. Her eyes widened but she didn't speak up. "Lillian was down here because of me and- and just one of my beast got frightened- but please, please- he didn't mean anything wrong. He was just scared." Newton stuttered out sentences through a few shaky tears.

The professors had a hardened look on there faces, observing all of the different beast that were crawling around, wanting to know what had happened. As the beast who attacked Lillian was chained down and passed out, others came up to the Hufflepuff girl. One of them being the demiguise who knew that something like this would have happened because of her visions. She made loud wailing noises and hugged the passed out Lillian's arm protectively. A few of the teachers tried to get it away but she would not budge.

Newt finally grabbed the demiguise as the professors had declared Lillian was to be taken to St. Mungos urgently. Newt was still crying, watching as his friend, who was horribly burned, was lifted and was apparated out of Hogwarts by the Headmaster.

Newt was escorted out of his case, watching all of his beasts wail out to him as other teachers tried to collect them up."Please-please don't hurt them." He cried after everyone as he was pulled along.

There was a big problem on there hands, and Newt was falsely in the middle of it all.

Thank you for all of the support. I enjoy reading everyone's comments about the story so feel free to leave those!

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