Chapter 1

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I stood; all eyes in me. I hated it. I want to sit back down, not read to the entire class. Why can't teachers understand kids can have a condition like mine? I wish kuroo were here. I was paralysed, I can't move.

Help me.

Stop staring.



Don't speak, they'll laugh.

You'll say something wrong and they'll all laugh.



"Kenma, is there an issue?" My teacher.

Don't make me speak.

Dear god.

Help me.

"Kenma, sit down. I'll speak to you after." I could here snickers from some of the popular kids; shrinking back into my chair, burying my head in my arms.

Don't cry. Don't give them another reason to laugh.

Minutes went by and I cancelled all noise out. I don't want to be here. I want to see Kuroo, to go home and curl up in my bed. But no. I was stuck in a classroom, surrounded by other teenagers. I don't have any friends except Kuroo.

The bell finally rang and I rushed out of class, glad the day was over, ignoring the teacher calling my name. I couldn't see Kuroo anywhere. Reaching for my phone I saw Yaku and he saw me. It took him a few seconds to jog to where I was standing.
"Hey Kenma, are you ok? You look like your gunna burst into tears." I felt like I was going to burst into tears.

Shaking my head was all I managed, afraid of talking. He started to worry and went into 'mom mode'.
"What happened?" I tried my best to explain but he seemed to be having trouble making out what my mumbles meant. I didn't mean to mumble it just happens, but we got there in the end. Just as Kuroo appeared.

I was so happy to see him, but no smile tugged at my lips, none ever did these days. Luckily he could tell something was wrong and gave Yaku a questioning look. Yaku was happy to explain. After a little while Kuroo suggested we go back to his and I agreed since lev had came and taken Yaku away.

We walked back to his silently. It was cold and I was shivering; haven forgotten my coat kuroo had kindly given me his hoodie. It smelt like him, cologne and strawberries, wonderful. I always had felt like Kuroo was more of a friend but I'm also overly sure he isn't gay. I could feel heat rise to my face and hid behind my hair.

We sat in his room on the floor, even now I felt awkward; Still wrapped up in his hoodie, Kuroo refusing to let me take it off until I had stopped shivering. He keeps side eyeing me while we study and it's incredibly distracting, I can feel heat rushing to my face.



"Do you like me?"

Arrgggh kill me.

"W..wha?" Was all I could manage. He leant closer to me as leant away from him, I feel so embarrassed.

"As more than friends? Do you like me as more than a friend?" He smirked.

God I love that sexy smirk.

No, don't think something like that.

I stared at him wishing I could evaporate into thin air. He kept leaning closer until he was an inch away from my face.

Speak dammit.

Say something to him.

Help me.

Why is he putting me on the spot like this?

He's being so cruel.

Leave me alone.

I feel like I'm going to start crying.

Please don't start crying.

"Kenma, I'm sorry. Please don't cry. You don't have to answer but I really like you and I have done for years. It's okay if you don't feel the same." His expression had changed to a worried and embarrassed smile. Kuroo's whole face was red. I was trying to process what he had said but I can't think clearly. I can feel warm tears streaming down my face, I want to stop but I can't.

Kuroo sat upright and slowly, gently pulled me towards him into an embrace.
"I you t..too." It came out as a messy whisper, hardly even there but Kuroo still heard, thankfully. He held me in his arms until I had calmed down. Putting a hand under my chin he tilted my head and softly kissed my lips causing me to blush. It was sweet and short, I could taste the grapes he had been eating while we had been studying. I wanted to stay in his arms forever but his mother came through the door and I jolted away from him, heat rushing to my face.


"H..hey mom." Kuroo chuckled awkwardly. He was blushing too, so cute. But his mother didn't seem to happy.

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