Chapter 2

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His mother looked upset, almost hurt. Kuroo could tell as he asked what the matter was. She explained that she had been fired and how her and Kuroo's father were getting a divorce, when asked why she simply stated that there were too many complications. She and Kuroo looked to be at the brink of tears. I felt awkward, like I was intruding, not wanted.

"So who gets custody of me?" Tears now slowly rolling down his cheeks.

"I do. Your father said he didn't want you because he's going to Spain and you'd just get in the way. How could he be so cruel." She was crying. On her knees. Head in hands. Kuroo got up and walked over to her, pulled her to her feet and hugged her tight. She apologised but Kuroo said there was no need for her to do so. He was right, it wasn't her fault at all.

After ten minutes and a good cup of tea the tears had stopped falling, but now no one spoke. I still feel very awkward. I'm not going to say though, I'm not going to draw attention to myself, that would be selfish. Complaining that I'm uncomfortable would be so rude, I'm an inconvenience.


"Kenma, you're shaking. Is something wrong?" Kuroo turned his head towards me upon his mother's words. I hadn't realised but I was shaking and breathing as if all oxygen had been robbed from my lungs. Gripping my mug as if my life depended on it, sweating. Too scared to speak I shook my head, no. Kuroo got up and walked around the table to give me a hug, it was nice but I noticed his mother looked shocked and pushed him away on instinct.

I'm pathetic and stupid.

I can't stop shaking.

I can't breath.

Help me.

Save me.

"It's ok. Kenma look at me. It's fine, there's nothing to worry about. My mother already knows I like you. If you need a hug don't hold back." His smile melted my heart. I needed his arms around me. To protect me. Make me feel safe. I practically jumped towards him almost knocking him over. I clinged to him and he carefully put his arms around me, we fit together perfectly and it was wonderful.


I'm being saved but he's not always going to be here.

Don't think like that.

But I'm right.

I wish there was cure.

But there's not.

"Why don't you two go to bed? It's very late and you've got school tomorrow." Kuroo nodded and picked me up bridal style. I covered my face, embarrassed once more. He chuckled. I could feel his muscles moving under his shirt which just made me blush even more.

"Do you want me to sleep on the floor so you can have the bed?"

"Why don't we both sleep in the bed?" He smirked and heat rose to my face, but I nodded and got into my pyjamas that I kept at his house for when I stayed round. He stared at me as I got changed, he looked happy but it was making me uncomfortable, I didn't want him to see them since he had no idea they were there, noticing this he looked away.

"You're so cute kitten."


He planted a kiss on my forehead before getting into his night ware, which was just his boxers. Sexy. We both settled down facing each other, my face staring directly at his chest, arm under my head. The other had snaked around my waist while both mine were around his torso. He was warm and welcoming, yet I was a little afraid. I don't even know why, I've known him for years.


I shyly looked up at him, seeing him from this angle he was even more attractive.

"You look a little worried, is everything ok?"

"I was wondering what was gunna happen since your mother has been fired you've got no source of income. " He sighed and told me not to think about it to much and that he loved me and that they would work something out. It didn't do much to calm me.

"You worry to much kitten..."

And as if he magically remembered.

"...oh yeah, sorry."

"It's ok, I'm too tired to care but I don't feel like I can sleep" he kissed me gently and sat up, I lay there not thinking much of it. That was until he put his hands either side of my body, a leg between my legs and a sly smile. I was trapped underneath him, my ears felt like they were on fire and I tried to speak but only let out a whimper.

"Cute." He chuckled and pressed his lips to mine, he was being rough this time. He pulled away and I turned my head to the side.

"Don't wanna?" I shook my head, why would I want to do something like that when we started dating about thirty minutes ago?

"Ok." And with that he lay back down and played with my hair until I fell asleep.

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