Chapter 12

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The next few days went by quickly.

Jesse and I spent most of our time together, whether it was at my house or hers, or just out 'shopping' with the invisible money I happened to carry on me at all times. Seriously, I needed a job. And quick.

The sleeping arrangements hadn't changed much. The only thing different was that everyone actually knew Bryce and I were sharing a bed. Which made it a whole lot weirder. The door stayed open, Bryce was told to sleep with clothes on, and our parents acted as if us sleeping together was completely normal. Sure, it was what I had wanted, but it was still... strange. But temporary, they had promised. Apparently they were still discussing how to handle the situation.

As I walked into the kitchen for some breakfast that morning, I yawned and stretched. My throat was dry and I desperately wanted to suck down a whole glass of water. So I did. Twice.

"Someone's awfully thirsty." My eyes flickered over to the annoyingly smart guy standing behind the counter as he sipped his coffee. Lately he'd been having the time of his life teasing me, watching and taunting to get out a reaction. Sometimes he did, and sometimes, well, he did. Always. Because I was too stupid and naive to not buy into what he was selling. With looks like him he would make a heck of a business man.

"Not in the way you are," I snapped back, filling the glass in my hand up again only to suck it down just as I had the other two, all the while glaring at him, showing that he didn't have an effect on me. Even though, yeah, he did. And everyone knew it.

"At least I'm still not desperate enough to want that from you," he said, smirking and taking another sip from his mug. 

"Ooo, good one there Bryce, because you haven't stated five billion times already how much you aren't interested in me. You're like one of those stupid toys that repeat the same thing over and over again if you pull it's strings." I put my glass in the sink, then walked from the kitchen to the living room, plopping down on the couch and turning the T.V. on. 

"You wish you could pull my string." 

"Actually, I wish I could find some scissors and chop it off just so you would finally shut up." 

"Now, now children," my mom exclaimed, walking into the room. She was putting her earrings on, smiling in my direction. "Enough with the fighting. Don't you two have better things to do?" 

"In fact," I said, standing before crossing my arms and smirking at Bryce. "I do. I was supposed to go see Bradley today."

Bryce scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Who is that again? The guy who works at Target? What, did you finally find someone else to lose your marbles over? Tell me, have you sent him his letter yet?"

My eyes formed into slits while my lip twitched, threatening to form a snarl. "Please," I hissed, clenching my teeth. "He's way too good for a stupid love letter. Besides, I don't see you working a job."

"Yet he's good enough for a stupid girl. Makes a whole lot of sense, doesn't it?"

Instead of arguing further with the jerk, I simply gave him a look and then proceeded to my room to get dressed, making sure to slam the door for emphasis.

Ever since they day I had met Bradly we instantly became friends. He was funny, and even though he was at work whenever I got to see him, it didn't matter. At first I was worried about getting him in trouble with his boss, that was, until I found out that his boss never even paid him any attention. Not to mention I never really got in the way of his work. He was the person who would go and put all the items where they belonged whenever they first came in. These past couple of day I'd been helping him, as unusual as that was.

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