Chapter 9

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BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!! So yeah AMAZING birthday Niall got me a necklace that said ‘Niall <3 Beth’ it was so sweet! We are all going out for a meal tonight so it should be fun! Especially as its my birthday meal. I’m going to speak to Livvy before we go out because she seems quiet and distant. Liam and Zayn have girlfriends! Scarlett who I met at school is dating Liam. Liana is going out with Zayn. Danielle and Harry are still together. The ten of us are going out for a birthday dinner.

I spoke to Livvy and she burst out crying. I asked her what was wrong and hugged her. She said she had missed a period. “I think I might be pregnant.” she sobbed. We went downstairs and asked Louis if he could drive us to boots.

“yes, I suppose why?” he enquired curiously.

“Girl stuff.” I replied. he didn’t say anything. So, we went to Boots and got a pregnancy test. I quickly picked up some other random stuff that we didn’t actually need to hide it.

“No one will see the pregnancy test.” I said to Livvy. We got back and I hugged Louis, said thanks and ran upstairs. Livvy had done the test and was waiting for the results. Blue line. Livvy was pregnant with my brothers baby. If they decided to keep it, I would be an auntie. I suddenly found myself crying, in happiness but also in nervousness. Livvy decided to tell Louis when everyone else had gone back into the restaurant to sit down. Then we would see what happens from there. I could see from the moment they walked in they were keeping it. Their smiles gave it away. I am going to be an Auntie, Harry is going to be an uncle. I grinned. Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall looked at me suspiciously. Livvy said quietly “Guys, we have something to tell you! Harry your going to be an uncle!”

“Shit good luck sis!” he said.

“GUYS! OMG! I’m so happy for you! It’s a good thing the tours next week and not any later or else the baby bump would start to show!” I grinned.



A/N sorry this isn’t very long but I need to fill in an application form for a thing that im doing I also havent updated for a while :\ sorry I hope you will all forgive me :O

Beth xx

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