52. Finale

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I crawl onto that jetty as a woman with vengeance in her heart.
My whole life had been a series of scars and endurances.
But it was the family I had found that had made living worth it.
The pain was worth enduring if there was someone to endure it for.

This woman wanted to hurt those people. So now I was going to hurt her, by stripping her of the only thing she loves.

Her power.

My feet find the ground as I stride with purpose, unafraid of the enemies in front of me.
The Seniman's raise their weapons, frightened by my confidence. Death didn't scare me anymore.

"Stop," My targets voice yells, "I want her to watch."

Athena reveals herself in the square.
Three stakes rise from the ground. Three men attached to them by crude ropes.
Lilac eyes reach mine from behind badly flaking skin. His skin was cracked all over, like a dry riverbed. He didn't make a sound, but his pain was revealed through my powers. And his pain was excruciating.

"Run Serena, she wanted you to come," He gasps out like a fish out of water.

I ignore it. I mustn't be pulled in.
My focus remains on Athena's triumphant grin.

"Aren't you worried Athena?" I call out so all the Seniman's can hear, "Aren't you worried about the fate of your daughter?"

She coughs a laugh, "The insolent child has been a failure all her life. And again she has failed by dieing. I have no remorse for her."

"You mean you never loved her?" I ask, prying the woman.

"Loved her? She was pathetic. I'm almost relieved actually. Saved me having to send her on bogus missions just to get her out of my sight," Athena retorts, unfeeling.

"Then you are a heartless woman," I reply to the display, sickened a little by the woman before me.

"She was just an instrument. A tool to use as I pleased. You can't make me feel for a useless object. You are a tool too. So just remain silent and watch your friends die. Then I'll let you join them. Though I might torture you a bit first. Just for my own enjoyment."

I almost feel bad when I catch the spiky black hair entering the square.

Aella's face is impassive as she regards her mother.
But I know that face hides a fury unquenchable.

Athena looks at her like an insect, "Oh," She sighs, like its an inconvenience, "You're alive."

Tears pool in the burgundy eyes, "I did everything you asked me to," Aella spits vehemently, "I never questioned you. I did terrible things because you asked me to. I never asked for anything back. And you disown me at the drop of a hat," Her voice seethes with betrayal.

"Oh stop making a scene," Athena exhales nonchalant.

"Stop making a scene," She replies, boiling over, "I'm done being your pet."

"For gods sake Aella. Not now," Athena shoos her without a second look, "Guards. Remove her from my sight."

Aella looks at her mother with such hatred i'm certain she'll spontaneously combust.

The guards move to detain the princess. Who barely blinks.
Just as they go to grab her arms she turns, in one swift movement, grabbing both their weapons and delivering a fatal blow.
The guards fall to the ground like rag dolls without so much as a sound.

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