The Warrior - 2 -

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I know it's been a while. But I'm hoping this long chapter makes up for my absence.

Been super busy with work and Christmas season.

I hope you all enjoy reading my story

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We watched as the body was brought out of the van. I hear a whimper behind me and see my cousin Jess with tears. It looked like tears of gratitude. Her torment was over. She was the only remaining victim alive. Dillon had raped three other girls but they were that badly raped that they committed suicide, if it wasn't for the love of finding her mate a few days later she would have done the same.

"Jess honey what are you doing here? Go back inside, you shouldn't be here to see this" I heard a growl behind me as I had faced my little cousin. I glanced back to see my mate being held back by her brother who was whispering in her ear to calm down

"Richard, take your mate back inside" I say I saw my mate calm down a little

"Cousins please, please let me burn him please!" Jess begged in Richards arms. I turn to my brother who simply nodded his head without hesitation. Jess nodded her head in thanks and left with Richard.


We are now sitting in my brothers office, I'm still yet to be alone with my mate but business comes first. She sits beside her brother the beta and doesn't dare look at the head warrior of her pack. Yet I can see the longing in his eyes, I'm growling on the inside and ready to get at him again.

My brother sat there discussing the treaty plans with the other alpha in a conference call. I could see my mate holding her hands together tightly and I wondered what those beautiful hands could do against my skin

I moaned internally at the thought of her skin against mine.

I caught Isaiah touching her on the shoulder lightly which snapped me out of my daze when she looked over to me with pain in her eyes as though this business between our packs was stopping us from being together

I wanted to let a growl escape my lips but she snapped a glare at Isaiah which released his hand from her shoulder

She blushed when she turned back to look at me watching her

"Little sister, I take it you've met your mate then?" The voice of her alpha says snapping us out of our gaze. Her brown eyes hypnotized me, held me motionless and in my place, where she could do whatever she pleased

"Yes I have" Her voice held a passion I felt within myself

"And I better hope you intend to stay" He was commanding her "But before then you better come back with him so he can meet your nieces"

She blushed glancing at me and replies "Of course brother"

"Ok I shall see you all soon, now Blaine" I snapped my attention to the phone "I shall see you soon"

"Sure thing alpha" My mate snapped her eyes to me confused and I quickly turned away trying not to show the guilt that was clearly showing in my eyes when a button silenced the call

"Now let's feed our guests and allocate them to rooms for the duration of their stay" Kaleb stood and motioned for us to leave the room. Kyle stood and escorted us all out. It wasn't until we got out that I caught Isaiah and my mate in a heated conversation in the opposite direction


"I had liked you once, but not once did I get the feeling that you felt the same" I paused to calm myself "All I want to do is be with my mate, don't you dare go causing problems between the packs"

Isaiah caressed my face gently but I pushed his hand aside. How dare he?! "You show interest now because I've found my mate! The one person who is made for me!"

"I've always shown interest, you just thought I was being friendly... I've always loved you" I shook my head at this knowledge "I just couldn't have you because you are my best friends little sister and he would never accept that"

My brother, the alpha was always hard on who I dated because he had the philosophy that you should save yourself for your mate and that's what I have done but because I've been on dates, he assumed I gave it up.

"And I'm glad he wouldn't because we would never make a good couple, a team... Yes but never a couple... Now Jack can have my place by your side"

"What?!" I hear a growl from the side of us when Isaiah takes a defence stance in front of me

"Not working idiot" I mumbled when Isaiah was thrust up against the wall. I had heard stories about the men of the crimson pack. How incredibly strong they are and the perseverance they had with their training regimes which made them strong. Isaiah is very strong but I guess with this pack warrior who has alpha blood made him the stronger of the two and the most handsome.

His muscles tensed in his shirt and I could see the lines of his tattoos peaking out from his shirt sleeve. I wanted to run my tongue and fingers over the lines and muscles. I couldn't contain the blush that was forming on my cheeks

"What does it have to take to get through to you that she is my soul mate? That she is not yours to touch? That she is made for me?! If I catch you alone with her again I will do more than just threaten you" I was incredibly turned on. His blue eyes that held a bit of grey sparkled and were so sexy I wanted to kiss his eyelids just so I can see the flutter of them

Isaiah raised his hands and held his head low in surrender "Good... For now, I don't want to cause trouble but you Isaiah are making this very difficult"

"It wouldn't be difficult if you would just reject her so then we can be together" My mate punched him so hard in the face, we heard a creak in the wall behind Isaiah's head. Blood creeped down the side of Isaiah's face

"Will you not learn?!" I looked behind my mate and Isaiah to see the alpha, his beta and my brother standing there watching "Unlike your rejection I won't reject my mate... Yeah I know about your mate you rejected" My mate let Isaiah go and I watch him slump to the ground "That is why we were enemies in the first place because you spun some stupid shit"

I frown down at Isaiah when my brother folded his arms and nodded my head towards us to move away from Isaiah. I nodded in reply

I heard a gasp behind them "Blaine" A females voice groaned with her hands on her hips then turned to see Isaiah on the ground and her eyes widened "What. Is. He. Doing. Here?"

I continued to frown at her but I couldn't help but want to hug her and comfort her until her distress was gone. She is incredibly beautiful, tanned skin a little lighter than Blaine and the alpha with the most beautiful grey-blue eyes aside from my mates hypnotizing light grey eyes with a hint of blue in them I could see the resemblance between them

"Tamina" Isaiah sounded like he regretted seeing her

"Don't you dare say my name, you have no right!" She turned to my mate and the alpha "I just came to say I'm going home, me and Julian are leaving" Isaiah growled at the sound of another males name

"Growl again Isaiah and watch what happens!" She yelled and even I had to step back a little even if I was pure alpha blood. I couldn't help it. "Goodnight boys... Come on, son"

Isaiah choose to stand up that moment and look at me with a guilty expression on his now healed face

I felt a warm tingling sensation shoot through my hand. I groaned at the feeling it gave me. I don't know this man yet but he was already pulling the strings in my heart

"Let me show you to where you'll be sleeping" His sexy voice rang in my ears and I couldn't help but melt where I stood. He knew what he was doing to me as I watch the smirk form on his handsome face

"O-ok" I stuttered? Since when do I stutter as I thoughtlessly follow my sexy mate in the direction he was taking me

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