Chapter 13

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Sulli's POV

"Cut! !! Okay we will start again.1 , 2 , 3 . " The photographer said .


"No,  you should be more comfortable . We've been taking it again and again. What's wrong? ? " the photographer asked.

"Excuse me Harold ?? Can we have some break? ? I'll just talk to her for 20 minutes .. " Uncle interupted.

"Okay, I'll give you 20 minutes and make sure this will turn out great.My name is on the line and I don't want to disappoint my clients.They have invested a big amount of money just for this photoshoot." I heared the photographer said to my uncle.

I just sat down on one of the chairs and drink water.I am so exhausted..And I really don't feel being here .Why is it had to be him?
"Sulli are you okay? You've been acting strange and it really affects all of us.The outcome is not good.Do you have any problem?  Tell me so that I can help you. Is it the clothes that you wear, your partner or are you just tensed??" Uncle asked.

Its because of my partner. Thats what I want to say.
"I am just nervous Uncle."I replied.

"Sulli, I am here .Don't be nervous. Just enjoy the shoot and everythings gonna be alright."Uncle tap my shoulders and left me.

"I'll just go to the C.R" I shouted and he replied "Be fast okay?" And I nodded.

When I got there. . I faced the mirror and talked to myself.Hey you!!!What are you doing?? Don't be affected by his presence.Just do your job and do your best. .This is a once in a lifetime chance.They are trusting you and this project depends on you... Fighting! !! I know you can do this. . And I went back to the set immediately.

"Are you ready? ?? " the photographer asked.

"I am so ready. " I replied.

When he started taking pictures.I just enjoyed it and smiled at the camera. This is my day today and I'm not gonna waste this.I just posed and posed and did what he is instructing me to do. After every click of the camera, he is always praising me that its perfect and awesome. ..

"Thanks God. .. we've already finished your part.You nailed it Sulli and it was awesome. .. Now I know why they choose you.  Just sit there and relax. After this ,we'll take pictures with you and Minho okay?
Its the highlight so be ready. " And he smiled and went away.

You read it right. Minho is my partner. Of All the SHINee members that were here , the photographer chose him and I can't do anything to change it.Its very awkward because awhile ago while I'm having my solo shoots. He would intently stare at me like I have done something wrong and it really creeps me out. Now, he has the guts to be angry at me while he is the one who should be feel sorry.
Am I rude??? Naaa ~~~ Just stating the fact. -_-

While waiting for my part, I just played some games and searched on the internet. .. I found some rumors again about Minho and a girl named Tiffany of SNSD that they were dating. There was also  an attached photo to the article taken in Han River .Wow. dating secretly huh?? Maybe that's why he would'nt even talk to me now because he already had someone else. ..The necklace that he brought for me. Was that all a lie or am I just assuming ??

Minho's POV

I was very shocked when I entered the studio.I did'nt expect that she would be the model. I'm not saying that she does'nt deserve it but she really changed a LOT.She looked more beautiful and I can't take my eyes off of her..Eventhough I know that she really is the Sulli I met,became friends with and the one I love.I still have doubts because I can't believe that she really is infront of me.I mean, I've been waiting for her for years to contact me and she did'nt.... Maybe she does'nt like me or she had someone else now.

"Hyung,What a lucky day. " Taemin teased me.
"Huh??" I pretended.
"Hyung! !! So slow!  That girl, she's so pretty and you are very lucky to be paired up with her." He said.
"Taemin, She is the one who is very lucky to be paired up with me."And I winked.
"Ewww~~ Which side??"he laughed And walkEd away.
"Come back here!!!! I'll punch your face to -----" I said but the stylist interrupted and said that I should get dressed for the last part. .

I went to the dressing room and made myself more handsome. I don't want to  look like a butler beside the princess. .. the outcome should be, a prince and a princess.
But to be honest, my heart is really thumping hard right now. .I don't know what would be her reaction but I hope we can pull this through and give them the best .

"Minho be ready in 5 minutes " A facilitator came and said " You look handsome and the both of you are a good match." He complimented.

I went out of the dresssing room and sat on a chair. ... After a couple of minutes,I saw Sulli walking towards me.  She is so beautiful. Its like the first time we are on a mall years ago.

"You're ----- " I said but then again -_- I was interrupted.

"Beautiful Sulli. .. It suits you really well."Her uncle told her which is in my back standing. I thought that she was smilling to me .. -_- !!!!

"Thanks uncle. . " and she laughed.

"Okay get ready ... " Her uncle said.

After 1 week

It has been a week of surprises since the release of our magazine. It really topped on many charts and sold over 500,000 copies.
There were many feedbacks about how good the magazine is and the models that are there.
I should be happy because it was very successful but then I was getting worried because of Sulli.


"Minho " Sulli called me.

"Y-you remembered me. . I mean-- "
" Okay stop. Well you see,I will never forget you. ... And let's not talk about us because there WAS never an us. Do your best so that we can finish this immediately. I can't stand being with you this close and If I had a choice, I would back out " She said .

End of Flashback

I don't know what happened but I'm very affected on what she said.
I love her.I gave her a necklace and left my Account on her drawer.

But perhaps , did she read it? ?

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