Chapter Ten: Samhain (ep 1:7).

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ps: new cover made by my wonderful friend Ellie ( @RedTears ) , love you!!!

Chapter Ten: Samhain (ep1:7).

“I am not an invalid Elena, you’re not going to keep me here on the couch all day, like you did yesterday. And the day before,” I rattled to my sister, while I tried to get out of the blanket she had me wrapped up in. She came back from the kitchen. “Calla, I don’t know what happened to you and what maybe Damon did to you, you can’t be sure.” I rolled my eyes, giving her a look full of sarcasm. “He didn’t do anything, for the fifth million time.”

“You can’t be sure Calla. How can you possibly remember?” I finally got myself out of the blanket en stood up, folding it over. “He can’t compel me.” “But he did.” “Most of the time not,” I snapped at her. “It’s my birthday for Christ’s sake, let me go.” She kept silent for a few seconds. “You know I didn’t even think of that yet.” “Did you miss the pumpkins or so? It’s always pretty obvious,” I replied dryly.

“Call.. I’m sorry, I’m totally doing this all wrong. I just don’t know what to do else!,” Elena sighed. “You do what you do best: taking care of people. But I’m just a terrible person to take care of.  It’s not your fault.” She sat down next to me on the couch. “Thank you. I just realized what this means. We always knew, your birthday was simply a reminder of it all. It’s just.. we’ll never get to ask them anymore.”

Silence fell, I knew what she meant. Four months and nine days. That was the difference between her birthday and mine. Too short for a normal pregnancy. We had never wondered about it, though. Somehow, I guessed we just didn’t want to know. “Does it matter? Eventually, I mean. We’re still sisters.”

Elena played around with her necklace. “I wanted to go to see Vicki today, she’s at the boarding house.” “What?! You didn’t even bother telling me that!” I exclaimed. “Sorry. Will you come with me?” “Sure, because I’ve got like nothing better to do. I’ll go with you.  And I’m sure I will regret this later.”

“Tell me all about it. The most important thing is that we need her to stay as far away from Jeremy as possible,” Elena said, her tone worried. “What’s with me?” Jeremy asked, while walking in the room. My heart skipped a little beat, but I recovered quickly. “Don’t always think every conversations is about you Jer.” I said and jumped of the couch. “I’m going to grab my shoes and we’ll be good to go.”

When I walked up the stairs to get my shoes, I realized I said yes too often to things in didn’t really want to do. Vicki could go to hell: she had been selfish and irresponsible before, now she was lethal, uncontrollable and the two aforementioned things. And even though I had never had a connection with Jeremy like Elena had (at least the last few years), I didn’t long for his death. Which is inevitable when he was dating Vicki. And yet, I was being biased, seeing the Elena and Stefan thing.

I opened the boxes to find my new pair of winter boots, seeing it was quite cold outside. Skimming through them, a smaller wooden artefact rolled out of them and the lid fell off it, revealing plectrums of all colours. I forgot to breath that second. Frantically, I tried to put them all back together, but my hands were shaking so tremendously that I couldn’t put them in anymore.

Driven by my incapability, I dug my nails into the palms of my hands, causing tears to well up in my eyes. “Calla?” I heard from the doorpost. “Go away,” I said bluntly, ignoring Jenna and trying to blink the tears away. She entered the room, closed the door and sat on the bed beside me. “I don’t want to talk.” I felt that she didn’t know what to say. Instead, she picked up a plectrum and read the inscription on the back. “Sjil? Shul? Wait, I wanted to read this to cheer you up and now I can’t even pronounce it.” My face was expressionless. “Siulil A Run,” I said. “Walk, my love. 31st of October, 2007.”

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