Chapter Five: Dream, Suspicion and One Strange Dinner. (ep 1:3)

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Chapter Five:  Dreams, Suspicion and One Strange Dinner. (ep 1:3)

That night when I had returned home, I immediately walked to my room, not meeting anyone, thankfully. I  saw the boxes with my old stuff in the corner of my eye. Maybe it would help. I opened one, digging through my old stuffed animals and artworks of when I was younger. Then at the bottom of the box, I found the blue diary with the C in  the right corner. I still remembered that Christmas.

That when Elena and I both had gotten an initialled diary. I had just turned 9 and Elena had been 10. Elena’s diary had had many successors, all identical. Mine however, was still empty. That evening, I had opened it and I just simply couldn’t think of a reason to write down what had happened. I still knew it, right? I had put it in my closet and kept it there till all my stuff had to be moved into boxes.

I blew the dust of it and opened it. Maybe it would help me to give things a place. I grabbed a pen and looked at the empty lines. It scared me in some way.  It was useless. If you had a crappy day, you’d still have a crappy day after writing it down. And if Damon wasn’t going to walk back to hell, I’d have a lot of crappy days, so.

I threw the diary back between the animals and fell back on my air mattress. I was just too tired. But I still made my way towards the bathroom and to change quickly. I grabbed Breaking Dawn from the windowsill, with the intention to read a little. By the time I reached the second chapter, I fell asleep.

I felt someone pat me on the back. “Calla, you never stop until the bottle’s empty.” I laughed, clearly wide awake and drunk. “Never said I did,” I hiccupped and took the bottle again and put it to my lips. The sweet taste of the liqueur entered my mouth. “Seriously, this stuff is great. I officially can call you my drinking buddy now Tyler!” “Glad for that. Hey, don’t finish it!” “You told me so.”

I stood, holding the bottle just out of his reach. “Catch me if you can!”, and I ran off, into the woods. “I’ll get you, you know that.” “First need to see!”, I yelled at him, but I didn’t watch where my feet went and suddenly I fell on the forest ground, tripping over a fallen tree.  “Shoot!,” I yelled. “Whaha,” I heard him laugh a few feet away, “Got you.”

He came into my view and started laughing even harder. “Very funny Ty, help me up!” He smirked, but did offer me his hand, bowing forward to reach me. Then a huge back figure clouded up against the sky. “Tyler…,” I tried to get his attention, but he didn’t listen. The person ( I saw that now) grabbed Tyler by his neck and pulled him to the ground. I heard the sound of tearing flesh and breaking bones.

I screamed and stood up myself, my ankle hurting painfully doing so. I needed to get out of here. I ran and ran to the most nearby road, but after I while I realized I was running circles, no road to be seen. Suddenly, I ended up at a clearing, moon shining bright, giving me a view of the bodies that laid there.

The first one I recognised was Tyler’s, totally covered in blood, limbs in an unnatural position. I let out a scream and tried to go back into the woods, but my body didn’t listen. I walked, unwillingly, toward the other bodies, trying to get away. All those dead people, they were all people I knew: Caroline, Matt, Mom, Dad, Jenna, Jeremy, Vicki, Bonnie, even a few teachers.

I knew who the last body was without watching. I kneeled down next to Elena, crying and screaming. What was this, what was it doing to me? Then I felt someone place his hand on my shoulder. I started a scream, but I felt teeth tear my flesh and felt my consciousness disappear. Just before the world turned black, I remembered Damon’s words: “You’re going to regret this Calla, I promise you…”

I opened my eyes and brought my body in a sitting position immediately. I panted, my chest going up and down at an unnatural high rate. I soon realized I was covered it sweat, my hair sticking to my back and neck. “Calla, are you okay?”, I heard Elena say. I turned to her and hugged her, relieved. “Thank god, Elena, you’re here.”

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