Chapter Four: The Comet, The Victim and The Start of Something New (ep 1:2)

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Chapter Four: The Comet, The Victim and The Start of Something New  (ep 1:2)

I woke up that morning on the couch in Sheila’s house. Bonnie was already sitting at the kitchen table, eating breakfast. “Morning sleepyhead!” she laughed. “Please stop it, just awake you know!” “Not a morning person?” “Nope, rather die.” She rolled her eyes. “Do you have something to eat?”, I asked. I was really hungry. “Cornflakes are there, milk in the refrigerator.” “Wow, what a service here,” I said, slowly walking towards the refrigerator. “Self-service,” Bonnie replied.

I put the milk on the table and grabbed a bowl. “Equals no service.” “Cal, we’re not an hotel.” I looked at her like she had just said the most genius thing ever. “You should, make some extra money. But then you should change the self-service, it’s not very good.” “Sure Cal, keep on dreaming.” “What’s life without a dream,” I said with my mouth full of cornflakes.

“Calla, did Elena have those flyers for the comet night?” “I think so, wait a sec, I’ll call her.” I grabbed my phone out of my jacket. “Yeah, I better call, she hasn’t replied to any of my texts yet.” I dialled home and waited. “Jeremy,” I heard on the other side of the line. “Jer! You’ve returned to earth, thank god. Could you give me Elena please?”

“Sure,” and I heard him walk up the stairs. “Elena! It’s Calla,” I heard him vaguely say. A few moments later I had my sister on the line. “What’s it Calla?” She sounded tense. “Bonnie and I were wondering: do you have those flyers for the night of the comet, or do we still have to pick them up?” “Wait a sec…. No, we still have to pick them up.” “Okay, see you later,” “Bye and ehhh Calla” I frowned. “What’s it?” “Have you ever worn contacts the last… few weeks?” “No, why?” “Never mind, see you,” and the line went silent.

I put my phone back in my jacket. “Still have to pick them up,” I said to Bonnie, going back to the kitchen. “’Kay,” “Bonnie, could you think of a reason why Elena would ask me if I have been wearing contacts recently?” “Hmm, don’t know. I thought you two were always so close. You would have told her, right?” I nodded with my mouth full of cornflakes. I swallowed it and said: “But everyone says that my eyes are my best features since I was like … a baby.”

I thought and I thought. It was just strange. Then I saw a bottle of wine in the cupboard. I could almost hit myself. How stupid could we be? “She has meet Damon Salvatore, that’s why she asked it.” Bonnie almost choked herself in her cornflakes. “What? Where? When?” “Well, I don’t know. But that’s the reason why she had asked that. Because our eyes are the same. And I mean “the same” the same. As in freaking copies of each other!” I yelled.

“Relax Calla, you’ll live,” Bonnie tried to calm me down. “Tell me if I don’t.” Then Bonnie’s mobile went off. “Wow, we’re popular this morning. She looked at the screen and flipped her phone open. “Hi Caroline … Oh, that … I think so, wait a minute,” Bonnie held the phone to the chest. “Would you mind helping Caroline with the outside decorations instead of handing out flyers. Then I could ask Elena about Damon, ‘cause if you do that she’s definitely going to freak out.”

I nodded. “Thanks Bon, I’ll help .. Caroline. Wow, this is a strange sentence.” Bonnie looked at me, glad that she had the phone covered. She put it by her ear again and said: “Calla will help you, ‘kay? See you later. Yeah, bye.” I looked at her like I was damn scared. “Bonnie please, use your witchy powers and save me!”

“Calla, you can save yourself I think. There are many people on this planet just too scared to talk to you.” I finish my cornflakes and look up. “I wish that the people I don’t want to talk to were… Where’s your bathroom, I’d better go get dressed,” I said, looking at Bonnie, already fully dressed.  “Upstairs, first door on your right.” “Thanks.” I grabbed my jeans, shirt, ankle boots and earrings and put them in my I-Love-London-bowling bag. I took the bag upstairs and went into the bathroom.

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