chapter 2

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"efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction." -JFK

Dinah pov

Lauren had dragged me out of bed at 9 in the morning to go find Ally. i was upset. she had disturbed my beauty sleep so this girl. i did my morning routine before leaving to join Lauren in the car.

"you better buy me some breakfast at least." i said, looking at her.

"i'll just buy you some chocolate chip waffles from Waffle House, okay?"

"okay, i forgot to eat last night."

"it's no problem. i did too so i'm probably going to get food too. do you want to eat in?"

"if you want. i don't know if we should keep Ally waiting."

"i told her that we'd meet her by 10:30."

"so you dragged me out of bed for no reason?"

"well not for no reason. i dragged you out of bed so i could take you to get some breakfast."

"thanks Lo, i really appreciate it."

"just keeping my best friend happy."

i smiled at her as we pulled up into the parking space. when we left, it was kind of chilly so i wrapped jacket tightly around me. Lauren wrapped her arm around me as we walked in. i found us a booth to sit in and told Lauren i'd be back. she nodded and i got up to leave. when i opened the door, a melanin girl walked out. she smiled at me as i stood in my place with my mouth opened. she's beautiful. i snapped out of it when she turned to the left to the kitchen.

she worked here and i wouldn't mind coming back here again if i could see her again. i entered the bathroom and did my business. after i was done, i washed my hands before sitting back down in front of Lauren.

"what took you so long?"

"i got distracted by this girl that works here. Lauren, she is just so beautiful. i don't mind coming back here at all."

"you don't know her shifts and i got you sweet tea."

"okay thank you."

just a couple seconds later, our drinks had arrived. we started to talk a little bit about what we'd do if Ally accepts the job but if she didn't, we were screwed.

"where is she?" a voice asked, coming into the diner.

i turned around to look at the person who said that and watched the workers point to the back. the girl smiled and happily skipped to the back. i guess her friend worked here too. when the food got here, i watched as the same girl exit the back and the melanin girl i saw earlier following behind. she took her hair out of the ponytail she had and i couldn't stop watching her every movement as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"i'll see you guys later. call me if you need me to come in." she said, waving at her coworkers.

"you got it. have a nice day, Mani."

Mani.. that's a nice name. i wonder if it's her actual name. i just hope i get to see her again. when she left, i turned around to face Lauren, who was giving me a cheesy grin.

"you're so whipped."

"i don't even know her but i want to know her. Lauren, we have to have her."

"we'll see." Lauren said, taking a bite out of her pancake.

i started to eat and kept thinking about her. maybe we'll meet again. maybe i'll have you be mine. after we finished eating, we headed to Ally's place. it was really nice and it was so huge. like this girl had done well in her life. i wonder who she shares it with, if she does. we walked up to the door and Lauren began to knock.

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