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"one day, i'll find her. and when they ask me how i knew she was the one, i'll tell them, 'because she loved me in spite of all the unlovable pieces she had to pick up.'" -Leo Christopher

Dinah pov

it was finally the day we get married. i'm not going to lie, i was hella nervous. this was the day i get married to the love of my life.

"Dinah, chill." Lauren said, walking into the room.

"i'm really nervous, Lo. what if after awhile she gets tired of me and wants a divorce?"

"then she'll lose such an amazing girl."


"look stop worrying and just live in the moment. don't think about the future. if she divorces you, you will move on. she wasn't worth it if she leaves."

"i love her.."

"i know you do but if it comes to that in the future, we can worry about that then. as of right now, you focus on the present. you're marrying Normani so be happy."

"5 minutes before showtime." Ally announced, popping her head in the room.

"we'll be right there." Lauren yelled at her wife, who gave her a glare. "I'm sorry, we'll be there."

once Ally left, I glanced at Lauren and just chuckled.

"she got you whipped."

"you know what happens when she gets mad. I hate it. anyway, let's get you ready."

"I'm so nervous."

"you'll be fine. take a couple of deep breaths and think about marrying the love of your life."

I nodded, shakily. I still couldn't believe this was happening. after everything that has happened, I can't believe that I'm actually getting married.


"please be seated." the minister spoke, as everyone slowly got settled. "good afternoon. we are gathered here today, not to witness the beginning of what will be, but rather what already is. we do not create this marriage, because we cannot. we can and do, however, celebrate with Dinah and Normani and their friends and families the wondrous and joyful occurrence that has already taken place in their lives. so let the ceremony begin."

"are you okay?" Normani whispered, as i looked down at her.

i gave her a weak smile. this was so surreal.

"not really.."

"hey, i can understand that you're afraid of what'll happen in the future but trust me when i say, you're the only one i want. i want to love you until death do us part."

before i could say anything, the minister interrupted.

"would you like to say your vows?"

Normani nodded and smiled at me. she took a deep breath and exhaled.

"i didn't need to write this on a piece of paper because that's old school. i choose you, Dinah Jane Hansen. i choose to never stop loving you. to have children with you and watch them grow up. i want you to know that i will never ever in my life think about leaving you or stop loving you. it's not possible. when we first met, it was a scary feeling because i never expected to fall in love with a stranger much less a girl. we have had our ups and downs but we got through it. you are worth everything to me and i would gladly relive the day that i met you so i will fall in love all over again. although i fall in love with you every single day."

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