chapter 9

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"mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them." -Bruce Lee

Dinah pov

today is the most exciting night of my life. i was nominated for New Artist of the Year. i was excited because i've never been to an awards show before. it was my first AMA's and i was nervous. the girls kept me busy while Lauren and Normani did their thing. i really hope this goes well and i don't mess up.

"you'll be okay." Zendaya told me, as she did my makeup.

"yeah, i hope so." i nervously breathed out.

Kehlani was doing my hair, Tori was looking for an outfit, Camila was just watching, Callie was somewhere and Ally kept track of the time. i was scared as the time began to speed up. before i knew it, Lauren and Normani walked in.

"you look beautiful." Normani tells me as she kisses her girls' cheeks.

"thanks, but i'm so nervous."

"don't be, you'll be fine."

"easy for you to say. you're not performing."

"whether i am or not, you can make it through. show the crowd that they shouldn't be disappointed for voting for you."

i nodded as the girls finished my makeup and hair. when we were done, i was always amazed. these girls knew how to do stuff.

"here Dinah." Tori said, handing me a dress.

i thank her before leaving to put the dress on. i knocked on the bathroom door since it was occupied to see who it was. the person screamed that i could come in. so i did and let me tell you, i shielded my eyes so quick.

"why are you covering our eyes? you act like you haven't seen me in my undergarments."

"Normani, we aren't dating so technically i shouldn't be seeing that. i'm going to go."

i turned around to walk away but Normani pulled me back. our lips touched and i swear i felt like jelly. my legs were trying to give up. i pulled away and shook my head.

"we can't. i'm trying to move on."

"no you aren't. if you were, you wouldn't be here staring at my lips."

i mentally facepalmed because i realized i was staring. i looked up at her eyes and i just kissed her. i couldn't help it. i've missed her lips on mine. the warmth i get from being so close to her.

"promise me that you won't leave." i softly said, breaking the kiss.

"i promise. i need you to promise me that no matter what happens, we're fighting for this."

"i promise."

she smiled at me before kissing my head. i wrapped my arms around her waist and laid on her shoulder. i've missed her so much.

"whatever happens out there, i don't want you to cry."

"i wouldn't."

"yes you would. i know you Dinah. i'm sure that even if you didn't win, you'd have more events to go to. it's not the end of the world if you don't win."

"as long as you're by my side, none of that matters to me."

she smiled at me before kissing my cheek. before i knew it, she was rushing me out of the bathroom.

"it's almost time for you to perform."


when it was time for me to perform, i started getting nervous. i looked over at the girls, who were cheering me on. when the hosts announced me, i walked on stage. the music began to play and i could see the crowd smiling. they started cheering and amongst the crowd, i saw my dad. i was confused as to how he got a ticket but that didn't matter because he was here.

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