chapter 6

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"the future depends on what we do in the present." -Mahatma Gandhi

Normani pov

a week passed and Kelyn was feeling better. i stayed here while Dinah and Lauren were out recording new songs and all that. it was nice to have some time away from her but made me feel empty because i missed her.

"Mani, you okay?" Tori asked, taking a seat on my bed.

i put down my phone and took of my headphones, as i crossed my legs.

"i don't know, to be honest. i like that i'm not with her but i miss her so much."

"yeah, it's nice to get away from Zendaya every once in awhile but i miss her so much when we're apart for awhile. is this what's been on your mind?"

"part of it, yeah."

"well come on, tell me. it's between me and you."

"how did you know that Zendaya was the one that you wanted to be with?"

"she's there for me with everything. anytime i need her, she's there. she listens to every single thing that i rant about, she tells me it's going to be okay. she makes me feel like the only girl in the world. she helps me accomplish my goals that i want by encouraging me. she boosts me up when i fall down. we have our ups and downs but it's been amazing with her. i wouldn't want anyone else because i have such a caring girlfriend that i love to call mine. if you don't feel that way with Dinah, you should tell her."

"it's not that i don't want to be with her. it's just the fact that i feel like we're drifting apart. like i'm not helping her accomplish her dreams. i do my best to cheer her on but i feel like she's slipping away from me and i don't know what to do. i don't want to say anything because it might turn into a fight and i don't want that. i see her so happy when she gets on that stage. her true happiness is performing and i feel like i'm tying her down. she needs to be free is what i think."

"oh Mani."

i watched as my door opened and the girls came in. i gave a look to Tori, who puts her hands up in defense.

"i didn't know they were there. before i came in here, they were all doing their own thing."

i sighed as the girls surrounded me. i needed my girls but i doubt they'll actually help me with my problems.

"you have to tell Dinah, one way or another. if you keep this to yourself, it wouldn't be fair to either of you." Kehlani said, grabbing my hand.

"you make it sound so easy. i don't want to lose her if i tell her."

"what was it that she said before?"

"what do you mean?"

"if we get in an argument, i have to know that you'll fight for me. do you remember that?"

"of course i do but what does that have to do with anything."

"i only say it because if you guys do get in an argument over this, she needs to know if you'll fight for her. it doesn't matter what's being said. she just need assurance that you won't leave."

i stayed quiet and just curled up in a ball. i didn't know what to do but i didn't want to hurt Dinah. i feel like if i leave then she'd be happier. she's happier when she performs than when she's with me. i can't tie her down when she's still rising. i'm proud of her, i am but i don't think she'll be happy with me tying her down.

"Mani." Ally said, taking me out of my thoughts. "it's better to let her know than to keep it to yourself and have it ruin the relationship slowly. she'll figure out what's wrong one day and then what? she's going to be even more hurt than she will be if you tell her soon."

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