chapter 11

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"the first step towards change is awareness. the second step is acceptance." -Nathaniel Branden

Dinah pov

"are you going to tell me or what?" Normani asked, crossing her arms.

"i'm going to need you to sit down. it's probably going to be surprising and i don't want you to leave."

"can you stop dragging this shit out? if it's important, get on with it. i gotta be going to work soon."

i took a deep breath and took her hands in mine.

"don't get mad."

"Dinah, i swear if you don't tell me."

"okay okay, what i wanted to tell you is that i have a thing down there."

"we all have a thing down there." she said, confused.

"no, Mani, you don't understand."

she looks so confused for a little bit before she actually got it. i feel her hands slip away from mine and i knew it was going to be over.

"look Dinah, i have to say something."

"i already know what it is. so don't say anything."

i got up when i heard her start laughing. i shook my head because she was probably mocking me or something. before i put my hand on the door, she hugged me from behind.

"if we vibe, we vibe."

"what the fuck does that mean?"

"if we vibe, we vibe. it doesn't matter if you have a thing down there, if you have a vagina down there, if you're Polynesian. i love you regardless."

"you scared the fuck out of me!" i screamed at her.

she started laughing out loud again before kissing me. i pulled away because i was still a little mad that she played with me.

"babe, don't be mad. i had to make shit dramatic. look, i don't care if you have a penis. i'm not going to ask because it's not my place if you want to tell me then you can but i'm not forcing you. i want you to know that you can talk to me with whatever you need to talk about because i love you and every part of you. i'm glad you told me about this but i honestly thought you were going to tell me that you had a kid."

"i mean.. that's something else i had to tell you.."

her mouth dropped open and she looked so mad. i couldn't keep a straight face for long. i started to laugh and she hit me.

"don't play, Dinah."

"okay, i'm sorry. you should go to work and i'll be here when you get home. i love you, beautiful."

i kissed her before hugging her. after that, i pushed her out of the room before laying on the bed. it was finally done. i told her and i still had her. i closed my eyes in relief before hearing my phone go off. i searched for it without opening my eyes and getting up. when i found it, i slid to answer the call.


"i'm guessing she took it well."

"she did. i'm so happy she didn't leave."

"i am too because that would suck again."

"she thought i had a kid when i was stalling."

"i mean i would've thought that too if i didn't know. i still can't get the image of walking in on you trying to hide it."

"to be fair, you should've knocked."

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