chapter 10

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"where there is no struggle, there is no strength." -Oprah Winfrey

Dinah pov

"Mani, are you sure about this?"

"why wouldn't i?"

"there are going to be people that love you and there's people that won't. i have to know that you can handle it because it can get to you."

"as long as you're by my side, i'll be okay."

"you sure?" i asked, as i wrapped my hands around her waist.

"if i don't talk to you, they got to me and you have to tell me that you're there for me no matter what."

she laid her head on my shoulder as her arms tightened around my neck. i picked her up and laid her down on the bed.

"i got you. this ring right here on my finger means that i'm yours. you're going to be my wife one day and i'll never leave your side. we're in this together forever and always."

i leaned down to kiss her and i feel her smile into it. when i broke the kiss, i laid beside her and rested my head on her chest as she played with my hair.

"you have to go soon."

"i don't want to leave. i'd rather be with you than to record some songs."

"one day, we'll have a peaceful life."

"hey Mani, what do you think about kids?"

"i honestly wouldn't mind having some. they'd keep me company while you're out doing your thing."

"you come on tours though."

"yeah but it gets boring standing around. i love watching you perform but it gets tiring after awhile."


"if we had a kid, i could just hold them and be like 'look there's your mom, isn't she amazing?' i want them to be happy with us. i want them to know that they can always talk to us. i don't want them thinking that we wouldn't support who they are."

"good to know that we're both on the same page with it but Mani, i have you tell something."

i watched as Normani propped herself on her forearms. she looked at me with curiosity and i avoid her eyes. i looked at the clock and saw that i had to go.

"what do you need to say?"

"i can't tell you right now. i have to go because Lauren will be pissed if i'm late again. i love you and i'll see you later."

i gave her a quick kiss before getting out of the bed and running out the room. i hope she doesn't get mad. i rushed to get to the studio and when i got there, Lauren was getting angry.

"Dinah, do you know how much we have to pay for leaving them for this long?"

"look i'm sorry, i was getting in a touchy subject with Mani."

"is it the kid subject?"

"yeah, i don't know how she's going to handle it."

"if she loves you, then she wouldn't care."

"i don't want her to leave because of it."

"we'll talk about this later. get in the studio." Lauren yelled, as she pushed me in the room.


when we finished, Lauren decided to take me out to eat. we just went to a pizza place but it was better than going somewhere expensive.

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