1. Prologue

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Newt shifted in his seat anxiously as he waited for a taxi. His friend, a (height), (hair colour) girl, shivered violently next to him. She pulled her coat around her form tightly, and scooted closer to Newt for warmth. She tightened her scarf around her neck and glanced at the tall boy; he was staring at the ground, drowning in thought. Eager to relieve him of his stress and lighten up the mood, the girl spoke; "You can stop your worrying, you know. I'm sure this whole ordeal will go smoothly, and we will be in and out of the States quickly. Nothing bad has happened up to now, so just relax, okay?"

Newt looked at her, and the corners of his lips twitched up briefly. "I'm not 'worried,' (Name), I'm just... excited?" He grimaced at the uncertainty of his answer and, once again, averted his eyes towards the floor. (Name)'s smile faltered, and she, too, looked at the dirty pavement before them both.

However, a set of wheels rolled into her vision and she glanced up. The black wagon door opened, and a bushy-faced man poked his head out of the window.

"Where ya 'eaded?" his thick northern English accent showing.

"Erm, the docks. Pierhead, I think," (Name) responded, looking to Newt for clarification. He nodded in agreement, preferring to keep quiet.

"Alrigh-ey then, pop yerselves in th' car, an' we'll go," the cabby replied. After being ushered into the cab, (Name) settled herself next to Newt in the tight cabin. "Got a few hours drive ahead of ye. Hope yer ready." Newt clutched onto his beloved briefcase as the wagon started moving. Noticing his unease, (Name) patted his thigh, earning a slight jump of surprise from him in return. She snickered and looked out of the window at the country-side.

"No turning back now, Newtie. We won't be seeing this type of scenery for quite some time..." (Name)'s words drifted off, and Newt sighed, knowing that they had quite a journey ahead of them.
Author's note: Hello! I hope you enjoyed the beginning of my Newt x Reader, as it will place the reader into the plot of Fantastic Beasts screenplay. If you have not read the script or seen the movie, I highly recommend doing so before you continue past the prologue, as SPOILERS ARE INEVITABLE!

Anywho, if you notice something off about the story, please do let me know! I love constructive criticism, so please don't be embarrassed to point anything out!

Thanks so much for reading, and I will see you in the next chapter!

Tales of the Fantastic: Newt Scamander X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now