1. Chapter 5

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"Oh my goodness, what am I going to do..." Tina rushed to Jacob's side and put a pair of fingers to the side of his neck. "What happened?"

Newt glanced warily at (Name) for aid, and she pitched in: "Well, it seems as though the Murtlap wanted to play a game of 'tag', where the loser gets bitten, so..." Tina raised an eyebrow at her. Suddenly, Mr. Kowalski began to stir, mumbling incoherent words and lazily looking around the room. Clumsily, he tried, and failed, to stand, several times. Newt was poking his head inside his case when (Name) looked at him. "Who's missing?"

"I'm afraid it's more than I'd hope," he cringed. (Name) sighed, and looked down at Mr. Kowalski. He was lying face down on the floor, groaning loudly with his palm on his neck. Newt took out his wand and pointed it him, starting the memory-erasing spell.

"What are you doing? You can't do that! He's injured!" Tina exclaimed. Newt put down his wand and glanced to (Name) for clarification. She nodded her head, and he lowered his eyes back to the floor. "We need to get them." She glanced outside, and noticed the setting sun. "Unfortunately, we will have to postpone it until tomorrow. Follow me." Tina picked up Mr. Kowalski from the floor and passed him to (Name) to hold. She looked at her quizzically, but took his arm over her shoulder anyways. Tina began walking down the stairs, beckoning the group. (Name) struggled as she dragged the half unconscious man down the first few steps. Newt noticed her distress, and rushed to her aid, throwing the woozy man's arm over his own shoulder. (Name) gave him a thankful smile, knowing how uncomfortable human contact made him. Once outside of the building, Mr. Kowalski had woken up significantly and was alert of his surroundings, more or less.

"Ow, son of a-" Mr. Kowalski muttered as he tripped on the curb. (Name) caught his arm, and Newt secured his shoulder under the other.
The group continued to walk slowly downtown, and a 'female-only' apartment complex came into view. They stopped in front of it briefly, before Tina ushered them inside. They started slowly and quietly ascending the stairs.

"I hope you're alone, Tina!" a woman's voice called. The group froze and Tina cleared her throat.

"Um, yes! Just me!"

"Good." The woman stopped talking, and the bunch continued creeping up the stairs. They came to an apartment and Tina opened the door.

"Oh, this is lovely!" (Name) exclaimed.

"Tina, who are they?" A strawberry-blonde woman poked her head around a sliding door, smiling softly. She was ironing some clothing, in very little clothing herself. (Name) looked to Newt, an uncertain look on both their faces, and then to Mr. Kowalski, whose jaw had, basically, dropped to the floor.

"Queenie, that's Newt and (Name)," she gestured haphazardly towards the pair, " and a no-maj. He's sick." Queenie perked up at her words and waved sweetly.

"A no-maj?" she grinned. Mr. Kowalski was hypnotised, and (Name) giggled at the developing relationship. "Thank you!" Queenie said, suddenly.

"Nobody said anything..." (Name) pointed out.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a Legiliman. We read minds." She looked at Mr. Kowalski flirtily, and she passed some words to him. (Name) was too bothered by Tina staring at the group, wondering if her look was in curiosity or in disgust. "You look hungry! How about some food, yes?" (Name) looked back at Queenie, then to Newt. He was looking out of the window, in search of his creatures.

"Yes! Absolutely!" Mr. Kowalski said as he moved towards Queenie as she lead them to the kitchen. (Name), however, walked over to Newt, and touched his arm. He jumped, and turned his head slightly, then relaxed.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure they're fine." (Name) said, softly. He nodded, and reluctantly pulled away from the window. By the time the pair had walked into the kitchen, ingredients were flying all over the kitchen. Mixing in the air, placing themselves on plates; it was organised chaos, and it seemed that Queenie was directing it all.

"Do you prefer pie or strudel?" Queenie asked Mr. Kowalski, who sat at the table in awe. No words left his mouth, yet Queenie still understood. "Strudel it is~"
Everyone was sat at the table, finishing their dinner. Queenie and Mr. Kowalski were hitting it off, as they sat opposite one another, Tina was looking at Mr. Kowalski, and if looks could kill, he would be dead the moment his jaw hit the floor when he saw her sister. (Name) was playing with Pickett on the table, and Newt was continuously switching glances between his best friend, his briefcase, and the door.

"I think it's time for bed," Tina announced.


"No, we have work to do. You need to get better and we need to deal with those." She spoke directly to Mr. Kowalski, and she gestured to Newt's case. Newt looked threatened and (Name) felt the same.

"I'll make you some cocoa!" Queenie scooted herself out of her chair and got to work, and Tina guided the three guests to the spare bedroom.

"Bathrooms down the hall on the right," she said, disinterested, and shut everyone inside the room.
When Tina came in with the hot drinks, Mr. Kowalski was reading a magazine in bed, Newt was huddled under the covers of the other bed, and (Name), in her pyjamas, was sat on Newt's bed with a sketchbook and pencil in her lap and the Bowtruckle on her knee. Tina looked at each individually, handing Mr. Kowalski his cup and then (Name)'s. She was going to offer Newt his, but (Name) interrupted:

"I'll take it. He's just worried right now." Tina nodded at her words and left the room.

The door closed, and Newt bolted out of bed, completely clothed. "What the-" Newt put a finger to his lips and Mr. Kowalski became quiet. He pulled out his case and plopped it on the floor. He opened it and stepped inside. He descended in, and disappeared. "I'm dreaming."
Author's note: omg 500 reads. I can't even.

And also, this is my longest chapter yet! So there are probably surprises! And by surprises, I mean mistakes! Let me know if you find any!

If you haven't already, be sure to check out my holiday special for this smol bean, called Glitter Fest.

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you soon!


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