1. Chapter 12

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"NEWT!" (Name) gasped as Newt disappeared before her eyes. She stood frozen in place, stiffened in shock and worry, clutching the briefcase tightly. She struggled to fight back the burning, frustrated tears that threatened to spill. She was not going to lose him again. "Tina. I need you."

Tina looked at her with wide eyes. She slowly nodded, understanding what she being asked of, and (Name) spun around and thrust the trunk to Queenie, who looked at her with a solemn expression; she held onto (Name)'s hand.

"Be careful out there. I'll be there in a bit, Hun," Queenie said soothingly. (Name) forced a smile and pulled away her hand gently.

"Instructions are on the counter inside the shed," (Name) said hurriedly, and Tina linked arms with her, raised her wand, and disapparated.
When Tina and (Name) apparated, Newt was hiding behind an overturned car, a disheveled Mr. Graves was lying on the pavement, and a large mass of ashy slivers writhed on a building, pulsating with animalistic surges, and spitting fiery sparks and smoke from its core. Newt noticed them, almost instantly, and he grimaced.

"Newt!" Tina cried.

"It's the Second Salem boy. He's the Obscurial," Newt revealed, and (Name) looked at him in confusion, before realising whom he was speaking of. Credence, was it?

"He's not a child," Tina said.

"I know... but I saw him- his power must be so strong- he's somehow managed to survive. It's incredible." He was interrupted by a loud screech that was so loud, it reverberated in (Name)'s ears, even after it had stopped. (Name) looked at the creature and recognised the pain and sorrow that filled the faint face within the mass, and she made a choice.

"Newt! You need to save him!" With that, Tina dashed out toward Graves, and Newt widened his eyes. Shaking his head, he ran out from behind his shelter and looped his arm around (Name)'s waist, disapparating.
They reappeared on a rooftop and Newt pulled her atop the many buildings, disapparating and apparating across every gap, desperately trying to catch up to the Obscurus.

"Credence! Credence- we can help you!" Newt exclaimed, trying to reason with the Obscurial, but it wouldn't listen. It retaliated, rushing toward the pair violently. Newt disapparated with (Name) quickly, before appearing on another rooftop, to continue the chase.

They continued running, and explosions and flashes filled the air around them as a group of Aurors began attacking the fleeing Obscurus. One spell barely missed (Name), and she was forcefully pushed into cover. She peeked out and saw Credence's other form dodging each spell, leaving dark dust in its wake. It rose high into the air, plummeted, and violently smashed against the road, before continuing its rampage along the street, leaving a dark, particulate mark in the remnants of its path.

Newt pulled (Name) from out of hiding, and checked over her figure, sighing as he noticed a small cut lining the top of her cheek. "You shouldn't've followed after me." (Name) scoffed.

"What? Did you expect me to leave my best friend on his own? I think not!" He smiled at her slightly, his cheeks pinking. He put his hand on the back of her neck and waist and pulled her in a tight hug. (Name) lightly giggled at him, cherishing the bittersweet moment, before a resounding scream reached them. Newt pulled away, grabbed her hand, and waved his wand. The scenery changed suddenly into that of the top of a skyscraper. He looked out over the city and the large beast showed itself, rising high above the city and slamming down outside a subway entrance. It grew eerily quiet, and a wheezing breath was released from the creature. It shrunk down, and Credence's frail form shuddered in its place. He glanced around and rushed down the many steps into the underground railway.

Newt turned to (Name), and she nodded at him, urging him on. He sighed and held tighter onto her hand. He flicked his wand once more, and the pair teleported to the platform inside the subway. (Name) looked around wearily, before recoiling back behind Newt as the large, slinky Obscurus rolled into itself down the ceiling. Newt pulled (Name) behind him further, and inched forward to a pillar for defence.

"Credence? It is Credence, isn't it? We're here to help you, Credence. We're not here to hurt you," Newt said soothingly. The inky particles rippled as Newt inched forward. (Name) stayed hidden, listening feverishly to the loudening of footsteps plodding down the subway tracks and the quiet moaning coming from Credence. "I've met someone just like you, Credence. A girl. A young girl who'd been imprisoned, she had been locked away and she'd been punished for her magic," Newt continued, carefully stepping toward the, now a cowering, boy. Newt crouched on the floor and ducked his head slightly. "Credence, can I come over to you? Can I come over?"

(Name) froze as she felt a sharp object prodding her neck. She strained her eyes to the side as she looked at her captive. The stern face of Mr. Graves looked at her with disgust and his eyes dared her to make a sound. He yanked her next to him as he marched silently toward Newt and Credence. Graves flicked the wand at Newt and a flurry of blazing spells ricocheted off of his body, sending the lanky man onto the tracks. (Name) fought against Graves and pushed against his side, jabbing it harshly. He flinched and threw her onto the tracks as well, continuing the onslaught of spells upon Newt, who was barely countering them. (Name) searched frantically for Credence, who had run off, and then began to scramble towards Newt. The spells ceased from Newt's attacker as the platform became engulfed in light, and the silhouette of a train whizzed by, barely missing Credence's trembling human form. (Name)'s brief hesitation to gawk at the scene was short lived, as she continued toward her Newt. Graves, who had saved the young boy, had pushed Credence behind him and continued sending spell after spell to Newt.

Graves suddenly looked fed up. He waved his wand and a rippling field expanded around him and collided with Newt and (Name), sending them flying. Though Newt landed as safely as he could on the train tracks, (Name)'s smaller form flung considerably farther than Newt's, and she hit a protruding section on the wall. (Name)'s vision became decently impaired for the next few moments, as stars, fog, and pain filled her. She could vaguely make out the unfair duel going on before her and the cowering form of Credence backing away. (Name) shivered as she manoeuvred herself away from the wall, and she attempted to stand. Her legs gave way, and so, with grandiose determination, she pushed herself towards them. As she crawled, (Name) watched in terror as her friend was riddled with numerous spells and hexes. She knew what she needed to do to stop this; she reached forward, grabbing onto the side of the boarding platform, and forcefully leapt in front of Graves' wand, succeeding in blocking the curse, but failing in keeping the agonising scream that erupted from her lips, which eerily harmonised with Credence's own cry of anguish as he burst into his Obscurial form. The writhing cloud disrupted Graves' psychotic casting, and his hand dropped to his side as he gazed in awe at the creature. Graves fell to his knees and opened his arms.

"Credence," he uttered, pleadingly. The boy however, didn't take kindly, and the Obscurus screeched, diving towards him. Graves disapparated. Newt, by now, was crouched over his beloved friend's form, as she lay unconscious on the tracks. He wrapped an arm under her torso and disapparated away from the incoming mass of inky fog and continued to do so around the subway, trying to escape the wrath of the creature. The erratic movement of the creature paused momentarily, when suddenly it pulsed and the entire subway was flung into darkness. The Obscurus had filled the room and spilt out of the roof, giving a full view to the awe stricken public outside. It rose higher, collecting itself above the subway, and slammed downwards.

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