Chapter 13 : One hell of a Day

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It had been a week since Ron had been staying in my room. At first it was a little awkward, but I got used to it soon. Though he was annoying, he was also super entertaining. I had come to know a lot of facts about this crazy human.

Firstly, he would sleep really late and wake up really early, which was something I never understood. I mean, I have heard that creative people work late at night, but didn't know they wake up early as well.

He loved to be without his shirt all the time, which I told him clearly he could not do if he was in my room. It took a lot for him to agree, he kept giving reasons of it being too hot, him being unable to sleep and weird reasons saying he has some medical condition which required him to stay without his shirt. After trying to convince me every possible way he finally had to give in.

He would spend most of his time writing something in that little diary of his which he would refuse to show me. Little did he know that I had already had a sneak peek of it sometime back.

He took the longest showers in the history of showers which would annoy me quite a lot. I mean, I failed to understand how a person could possibly spend so much time in the bathroom.

I figured out a lot of things about him, and the most surprising yet adorable thing I discovered was that he required two pillows as he would hug a pillow and sleep. I was really surprised when I first saw him do that. For someone who acted very tough and masculine, it was really cute to see him hug a pillow and sleep like a baby. Though I was tempted to, I decided not to tease him about that, as it was something I didn't want him to feel embarrassed about.

I had afternoon shift these days and I had been doing pretty well at work. I was done for the day and on my way home from hospital when the Consultant Dr. Rai called me up and told me and told me to add another drug to the already given prescription for a patient. I took down his orders and immediately called up my colleague who was in the next shift, Dr. John and told him about the order.

I then came home only to find out the huge music blasting through the speakers and three crazy people Aisha, Ron and Dev dancing in the living room. I laughed and instantly got charged up after a long tiring day.

"Come join in babe", screamed Aisha above the music I shook my head dropping my bag on the chair, "Where is Priya? Aren't you worried she will come and see Dev here?", I asked suddenly getting worried.

"No babe, she's got night duty tonight... Come on dance with us sexy Sanju", she said swinging her hands in air along the beat.

"No way... I don't know to dance", I said, and was about to turn around when I felt someone hold my hand and pull me back, "Hayyyyy", I said and turned around only to see a stupidly smiling Ron.

"You don't have to know dance to have fun you dummy", he said and pulled me to the center of the living room and turned me around and held both of my hands and tried to make me dance. I laughed and tried to follow what he was teaching me and ended up ruining the step.

At the end I somehow figured out their dance but nevertheless had some fun.

Later on, we ordered food, had our dinner while watching 'Friends' on Netflix, and after talking for a really long time, Dev left while we returned to our respective rooms.

"It was fun today", I said smiling wide as I snuggled into the bed.

"Yep, it was fun to watch you dance", Ron said and laughed.

I frowned, "I wasn't that bad also okay", I said and threw a pillow on his face as he continued to laugh.

"No but seriously... I never thought I could be here you know... And have so much fun doing things that I would never imagine the old Sanju doing", I said drifting my eyes to the ceiling, "Crazy how life turns out right?".

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