Chapter 16 : Old roads, new destinations

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A/ N : Hey there muffins! Its been a while since I last updated. I know I am sorry. But guess what, the Gods have heard my prayers and sent an angel! Yes! I have now gotten another amazig writer to help me out with the writing and this whole chapter is infact written by her! She wants to be anonymous but make sure you show some love to her in the comments ❤! Cz she will be the one writing the future chapters !
- Emotional Wreck


I couldn’t believe it was her. After all these months I finally saw her. It was my mom, in person. A thousand emotions ran through my mind on seeing her. Happiness, shock, guilt but most of all fear.

I realised what she saw and I was terrified. What could she do? What would she do? How would she react? Her present expression gave me no hopes for a positive or a mild reaction at all.

She had the look of surprise on her face. And soon enough it changed to horror when she realised what was happening. She was about to say something when she suddenly realised we were in public at an airport.

She stopped herself just in time, closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself. I could see her face going blank and emotionless but when she opened her eyes again I saw the anger and coldness in them.
She was trying her best to control herself and I realised I need to take her home as soon as possible or else she would burst out right here and I didn’t need any more drama in my life.

I quietly told her to come with me and we headed outside the airport. She followed me in silence as we sat inside a cab and rode back home. I could feel, hear and even taste the tension between us.

Throughout the whole ride I kept thinking about what I would tell her. How would I explain myself to her? Will she even understand me? Probably not.

My thoughts were interrupted by a shrill voice. I looked down towards my phone and saw his name. Ron was calling me. I quickly declined the call not wanting my mom to see who it was. After a few seconds my phone started ringing again. I declined his call once again. He continued calling me persistently and I kept declining his calls. Finally I switched off my phone and kept it aside.

We finally reached home. I unlocked the door and let her in. I silently closed the door and turned around to see her glaring at me. I had calmed myself down and prepared myself for all of her questions in the cab but somehow nervousness gripped my heart again. I was scared all over again.

“Who was he?” came the first question. “A friend?”, I answered.

“Are you telling me that or convincing yourself about it?”

“Mom look I can explain it all to you…”
“Explain WHAT Sanjana?”, she growled in fury.

“Mom it’s not what you think I-”
“Then how is it Sanjana Rai?”, she cut me short. “You wanted to come to Mumbai for a year and take a job. You wanted to discover new people, places and try this life. You wanted to live for yourself. Or at least that's what you told me you wanted. But what I saw today wasn’t included in your list of ‘wanted’.”

“But mom-“

“No ifs and buts. I have had enough of your excuses. What I saw today was not what I expected from you. I have heard enough of your exams and jobs. You’re coming back to Mysore with me at this very moment.”

“But what about my job?”, I snapped angrily.

“Keep your voice down young lady. Don’t you dare to talk to me in that tone. I saw enough of your ‘job’ here. You've lost that trust I had in you when I sent you to Mumbai alone. Pack your bags right now.”

I angrily stomped to my room and started packing my bags. I had lost everything. My job, my hopes, my dreams, my mom’s trust and most importantly, Ron.

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