Just Because

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"Y/N GET BACK HERE!!!" I yelled chasing Y/n


"Damn it  your fast!"

"I am half cat!"

"No time for chit chat that reapers catching up!" The teacher yelled.

She glanced back at me smirking.

"You wouldn't. " I started.

"EVERY MAN ER WOMAN FOR THEMSELVES!!!!" She yelled and went friggin' super sonic.

---Time Skip---

"Do you surrender Bon, or do you want more embarrassment?" She said in a honey tone.

"I..." Then I bolted past her, but before I reached  the end of the reaper race something grabbed my ankle. I looked down and saw a gray tail.

'Damn, almost.'

I tripped and face planted into the arena dirt. She laughed and speed past me. I followed closely  and caught up with her.

"Why.... why is your mood swinging so much!?" I huffed out

Her face went red. Then it turned angry.

'Oh.... shit.... that's a exposed nerve....'

"Why would you want to know huh!?!" She yelled

"I'm sorry but I'm not an expert  on girls!!!" I yelled back.

"Maybe you should take a class or something! IT MIGHT HELP YOU!!"

We head butted and growled at  eachother.

"Now now, Ms. L/n , Mr. Suguro (hope that what it is) . Calm down right now! This was a race and nothing more!"

I backed off and glared at her. She stood up straight and started walking away.

"Damned demons..." I mumbled.

She stopped in her tracks and her tail drooped.

"You think I wanted to be born a demon? Chew on that." She whispered sadly.

"Y/n wait i-"


She walked up the side of the arena, tail still drooping, and her ears.... wait ears?! She must have let them show... She sat down with her legs over the wall, swaying slightly.
I stared at her with guilty eyes. The teacher glanced at her, then me and sighed.

"OK class is over, thank you for participating and have a nice day." He spoke   

I sighed and walked to my last class, Yukio's... I have a feeling I'm gonna get an earful after class today.

I put the magic key  in the hole and opened to door to Mr. okumura's class. I hung my head in sadness, wondering what the hell I was gonna do to get my little sister back. I sat down and began thinking,

'Flowers? No too cliché.  A letter? No I need to physically  tell her... '

"Mr. Suguro,  is there something bothering you?" Yukio asked.

"He? Oh uh, just thinking about.... something..."

"Are you sure, it's unlike you to zone out in class."

"I'm sorry Teacher, it won't happen again."

He nodded and continued class.

---Time Skip after la clase---

The Half Demon [Yukio x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now