',:) a/n

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I'm so grossed out from writing that chapter.... plz don't make meh do it again....It'll kill me to do that again...

*is scarred for life*

Well I kinda am scarred my wrist, long story short my mom pushed me over the edge when I yelled that I had depression (which is gone) and I wasn't thinking and took some dull scissors and did it once. That was almost two months ago. But she said it wasn't her fault I had it which it kinda was 50/50 but I told my friend and she made me realize not to remember the bad things and remember only the good. I also asked her if she was worried and she said not really cuz she knew I was strong enough to overcome it. And I was and I'm alllll better! So if any of you need help with this stuff PLEASE CONTACT ME ON HERE!!! Anyways plz don't make me write another half lemon it was bad enough XD

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