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I have to go back don't I? I know I should, but what happened with Yukio.....

I thought to myself walking back to my probably now dusty dorm. What sucks worse is that I've been gone a while and don't have any homework done. So I have no idea what to do, where to go, and what to say.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I turned into my Cat form and inched my way quietly  up the walls of the male dorm.
I finally got to my window and opened it, I stepped in frowning at the sight.

"You Littles shits!!!! You've slept on my room the whole time I've been gone?!" I yelled

Bon, Rin, Shima, Shiemi,  Koneke, Izumo  and Yukio bolted straight up.


"We are-"


"We were staying until you got back because   I-"


"BECAUSE WE WERE WORRIED!" Bon yelled glaring at Yukio.

"Y/n I---- I don't even know I tried to kill myself because I was  depressed  that I had hurt you."


Y/n's eyes went from stone cold to bawling on the floor.

"Y/n..." Yukio trailed coming near to her.

"DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT!!! NOT FOR ME!! NEVER EVER EVER EVER! NO!" She screamed clutching her head and gritting her teeth.

Everyone stared at her surprised.

"I smiled for you guys! Don't you see that!? If it weren't for everyone, I would BE HERE!"

She sniffed and closed her eyes," three years ago! My parents started abusing me! For no reason. One day they loved me the next they wanted me dead, nonexistent,  wipped of the face of time and space itself! Don't you get it?! Yukio?! Why I'm saying this?!"

He shook his head speechless

"So you know the real me." She whispered sadly

"This isn't the real you."

She slowly shook her head

"This is me. This is who I always was, will be, and die being. "

She cried harder. I decided since no one else was moving I would. I wrapped my arms around her kissing the top of her head.

"I know your not ok, or fine, or tired. Your not you."

She stopped breathing at this point, too shocked at what she was hearing.

"I'm sorry."

I cocked my head, and confused look on my face.

"For bringing this up on you guys. You don't deserve my pain. I'm so sorry-"

Then Rin interrupted

"Words don't mean anything."

I glared at him. He returned it.

"We want our Y/n back. The one who laughs and smiles at everything we say. The Y/n who even though may have done something wrong, still is optimistic.  Please. We miss her."

Tears now tumbled down her cheeks.

"And loosing her,  " Yukio started "Boy my life I will say would be shit. "

Everyone nodded


Everyone nodded

They depend on me that much?

I looked up at everyone, wipped my tears and my eyes sparkled.

And I smiled and real smile

"That's my girl!"   Yukio smiled and kissed me

Rin laughed and tackled me along with the others.


~~~Time Skipe ~~~

yay! I'm so sorry this chapter is oh I don't know. 1000 words short!!! But I'm getting tired as it is almost 230 in the morning. I WILL BE DOING A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL TOMORROW SO THAT EXPLAINS THIS PUNT CHALTER!!!!! So.

How's your day?

The Half Demon [Yukio x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now