《 1 》

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"Michael! Guess who just-what are you doing . . ?" I ask, coming to an abrupt stop as I walk into his room.

I watch as he stuffs some folded clothes into his suitcase that laid across his bed. He looks up at me, his eyes growing wide as the y flicker between me and the suitcase.

"I-um . . " His voice trails off, slowly folding a pair of pants before shoving them into the suitcase.

"Are you running off to live your dreams?" I joke, taking a seat at his desk but he doesn't laugh, not even a smile.

"I'm moving to Texas." He says, averting his eyes down at his suitcase. I look at him for a moment before laughing.

"Seriously, are you and your Mom going to visit David again? She didn't say anything about it when I walked in." I say, my eyebrows furrowing slightly as he huffs.

"No Cas, I'm moving to Texas. I have to be at the airport in thirty minutes." He says, and I could tell by the tone in his voice he wasn't joking.

"What?" I question, searching his face for some kind of answer as he drops his head, sighing.

"I sent my resume to Rooster Teeth, and they accepted it." He says in a small voice and my mouth drops slightly.

"You're kidding." I say and he merely shakes his head, stuffing a pair of sneakers into his suitcase.

"Michael, you can't just get up and move 2,000 miles away!" I say, my voice raising in the end as I stood up from my seat.

"Cas, I cant just throw this opportunity away! Out of everyone, I thought you would be the most understanding." He huffs, walking over to his closet and pulling it open.

I bite my lip, trying to keep myself calm as I began to pace the length of his room.

"When did they tell you?" I ask, coming to a stop as he throws some clothes onto his bed. There was a long pause before he sighs.

"Last Monday, they emailed me last Monday." He mumbles, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me you piece of shit!" I yell, flicking his arm as he begins to fold more clothes.

"Because I knew you would act like this!" He yells, gesturing and angry hand over my way.

"Yeah, but Michael-" "Cassidy, you can't stop me. I'm leaving to Texas whether you like or not!" He snaps, his voice full of venom as he cuts me off from my blabber.

I bite my tongue as it goes silent between the two of us, trying to collect my thoughts before I said something I couldn't take back.

"So, that's it then?" I ask, looking up at him, but I got nothing but silence.

"You're just gonna leave with no notice at all?" I ask as he throw the rest of his clothes into his suitcase before zipping it up. He picks it up off the bed before turning to me.

"My flight leaves in fifteen." He says, walking past me to the door.

"What about your family? Friends?" I ask, turning around as he pulls open the door. 

"Me?" I mumble, my voice cracking slightly, causing him to stop. 

He sighs, dropping his bag to the ground before turning back to me with open arms and I instantly engulfed him in a hug. 

"I'll come to visit." He says, his running up and down my back soothingly as my tears soak into his shirt.

"Fuck visiting." I say, making him laugh 

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