《 6 》

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A Couple Weeks Later

"Hey Cas?" Michael asks, creeping into my room.

"Yeah, what's up?" I ask, quickly pausing the video I was watching and sliding my headphones onto my neck.

"So Lindsay, Meg, Gavin, and I decided that were gonna shoot that fifty turn Mario Party today and I know you had a couple videos to re-edit . . " His voice trails off I simply nod, knowing what he was edging at.

"Um, sure. Let me just get ready real quick and then we can go." I say, pulling off my headphones.

"Alright, cool." He says before walking out.

I sigh, getting up from my bed and sliding my laptop back onto my desk before going over to my closet. I pull it open, grabbing a light black sweatshirt and some skinny jeans before closing it once more. 

I quickly strip of my pajamas before pulling on my outfit as my phone goes off, making me jump slightly. I laugh at myself before snatching my phone off of my bed, not bothering to look at the ID before answering.

"Hello?" I answer, my usually cheery voice.

"Cassie?" I hear the familiar voice through the phone and I huff.

"Nothing you can say is gonna make me change my mind James. I'm done with this shit." I say, slipping on my black Vans.

"But Cassie, I-" "But nothing! Were over, now stop fucking calling me!" I yell, cutting him off before ending the call. I shove my phone into my back pocket, letting out a frustrated groan.

"James called again?" Lindsay asks from the kitchen.

"Who else?" I question as I walk out of my room, shutting the door behind him. 

Maybe he's truly sorry." She suggests and I open my mouth, but was cut off by Michael laughing. 

"If that douche was "truly sorry" he shouldn't  have fucking cheated on her in the first place." He says, grabbing his keys off the kitchen counter.

"I'm not saying what he did was okay, I'm saying that she should hear his side of the story." She says and I give her a sympathetic look as Michael merely scoffs.

"Whatever. Are we ready to go?"

¤ ¤ ¤

 We walk into the office, seeing Meg and Gavin waiting around in the room Trevor set up for them. 

"What's up fuckers?" Lindsay asks, making Michael and I chuckle slightly, they look up from their phones and Gavin gives me a disgusted look.

"Hey Cassidy! It's nice to see you again." She smiles, giving me a big hug. 

"You too." I smile in return, hugging her back. We release and Gavin narrows his eyes down at me. 

"You do know this video is just the four of us, right?" He asks, a sliver of sass in his voice making Meg slap his arm.

"Gavin." She warns and I simply shrug.

"No shit Sherlock, I'm finishing editing some stuff I didn't finish yesterday so I'll be out of your hair" I say and he only rolls his eyes, receiving a glare from Meg.

"Well, I guess I'll let you guys get on with the video." I say, walking off down the hall towards my desk.

"See you Cas!" Michael and Lindsay say in unison and I give them a small wave.

I walk to my desk, sliding into my seat as I turn on my computer. To be quiet honest, I really didn't like editing. I didn't find it fun, other then watching the uncut versions of the guys and having to censor some inappropriate words.

¤ ¤ ¤

Two hours later, a pair of keys slam into my desk, casing me to scream slightly from being so in focus. I pause the video, pushing my headphones down onto my neck before turning to whoever it was.

"What the hell is your . . " My voice trails off, looking to see none other then James.

"Surprise?" He asks in a nervous tone, my mouth dropping.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, pulling my headphones off my neck.

"How the hell did you even get into the office!?" I yell, standing up and he instantly shushes me. I look down the hall where Michael and everyone were recording before turning back to him.

"Before you say anything, I drove your car here with everything from our apartment. I'm taking a flight back Jersey tonight." He says and I narrow my eyes at him.

"You didn't drive all the way here to just bring my stuff back." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Can I please explain?" He asks, practically begging and I huff.

"Well, since you're stuck here, you might as well." I sigh, gesturing over to him and he takes a deep breath.

"It started out as an one night stand. I was drunk and it was a long day at work, I met a girl and one thing led to another." He pauses, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously.

"It was supposed to end there, but she put her number into my phone and told me to call whenever. And I-I just couldn't help myself." He admits and I feel a tear cascade down my cheek, but I quickly wipe it away.

"I'm not telling you this to win you back, or guilt trip you back into loving me again. I just wanted you to know I never meant to hurt you, I promise you that." He says and I simply shake my head, biting back a sob as I avert my eyes to the ground.

I wipe away yet another tear, trying to think of something to say, but nothing came to mind. 

"Love, who is this?" I hear a British accent say as an arm slips around my waist.

My eyebrows furrow  as I look up to Gavin, but he merely smiles down at me pulling me into him, making butterflies fly about in my stomach. 

"Cassie?" James asks, causing me to look back to him.

"Um, James this is Gavin. Gavin, this is James." I say and the two merely stare each other down. 

"James? You're ex-boyfriend James?" Gavin asks, looking back down at me and I simply nod, my cheeks flushing red.

"Well sorry chum, but she's moved on." Gavin says, the biggest smirk lining his lips as James looks at me taken back, hurt in his eyes.

"So, how about you make you're way to that airport and get out of Austin, alright?" Gavin asks and James gives me a slight glare as a tear rolls down his cheek, storming out of the office.

Once he was out of sight, Gavin instantly took his arm back. He wipes it on his shirt in disgust, making me roll my eyes.

"Don't be so dramatic." I huff, wiping my cheek with my sleeves.

For a second, I thought I saw him crack a smile out of the corner of my eye. I shake my head slightly, blinking the tears out of my eyes.

"Don't say I never did anything for you." He says, making me roll my eyes.

"Hey my boi, we're starting the-" Michael walks in, stopping himself once he sees me.

"Are you crying?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing and I laugh slightly.

 "I'll explain later." I say and he merely nods, narrowing his eyes at me before making his way back to the office.

"Hey Gavin?" I say as he begins to walk away, making him turn back to me.

"Thanks." I say and he simply shrugs.


I had something to tell you guys last chapty so I made it a thing to tell you in this one but I forgot

whoops :P


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