An Angel in Disguise.

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Trigger Warning. Abuse of Medication.

Who's ready for Chapter 3. This chapter can be confusing, but I have a reason for making it the way I did. 

Everything went by so fast, one minute Lapis was with Peridot at school and now they were at Lapis's house, the time had gone by so fast. Lapis watched Peridot sleep on her bed "Guess he was worried about me. He looks like an angel." she thought. Lapis continued to stare at Peridot until she started to remember what happened. Memories started to come all at once, they started off good, but as they transitioned they got worse

Flashbacks From Lapis's view. (( BOLD has already happened. Italics are what happened after she ran from Jasper))

"Peridot are you okay" We Talked

"Get out... before I hurt you again" I ran

"Why do you hate me Peridot. Why do I like you" I cried

"I need my medication" I took one

"Take another pill Lapis you will be fine" I hated myself.

 one pill turns to two then Four "I was doing it again"

Reaching for the fifth pill I stopped "am I doing it again"

I took the fifth pill "Pathetic" was my last thought

The dream

Darkness was all I could see, until the room became lit with a bright light "Am I dead". I see two figures one is white the other red. One is an angel the other a demon. They were both me the good and the bad. Everything changes those two figures replaced with three new ones. Once again I saw red and white figures but the third figure was an oceanic blue. The room is lit once again. No longer were the white and red figures me but instead Jasper and Peridot, but the remaining figure was still unclear. I stood up and the unclear figure mirrors me, every move I make is mirrored "Is that me".Out of fear I run to the angel "Peridot help". I look up and see the angel "Jasper?". He is grinning and then the dream stops, I am back in blackness. I see two figures a red and a white figure, The red is dead the white stands victorious. another figure enters, the blue one. no longer is It blue though, but instead a bluish gray. that figure soon falls by the red one and slowly dies. 

End of dream.

Hey guys sorry this one was shorter. the reason for this is because i wanted to end with the dream. a lot of people might not get my reason for who is the angel and who is the demon, but the title for this chapter kind of says why.

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