Guardian Angel

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what's up my children who's ready for another session of Lapidot.

Lapis walked out of her last class before lunch, she had yet to see Peridot since the morning. she walked by an abandoned classroom and heard a faint sound. Going against her better judgement she walked in and was met with the smell of blood. Lapis saw a figure in the corner, its breathing was slow. slowly she approached it and what she saw made her heart shatter. Peridot was in the corner clinging to life, his arms were wrapped in his shirt making it a bloody red and one of his legs had his jacket around it. Peridot had stopped the bleeding on his arms and one of his leg's successfully, but his other leg wasn't covered and as a result still bleeding. It was loosing blood fast. Lapis quickly called 911 and asked for an ambulance to be brought to the school.


Lapis was forced to finish school, but after she rushed to the hospital in Peridot's car. upon arrival she rushed inside.

Lapis- "Is their a Peridot here?" Lapis still had no idea of Peridot last name luckily there was only one Peridot in the hospital.

Nurse- "Name and relation please"

Lapis- "Lapis Lazuli and I'm his girlfriend"

Nurse- "Room 001."

Lapis rushed to Peridot's room hoping he was ok. She ran  into the room and saw a bandaged up Peridot who had yet to wake up. Lapis slowly walked to Peridot body "He looks so fragile" she thought.  Lapis sat down in a chair, her face become wet with tears.

Peridot's dream while unconscious

"Where am I? Where's Lapis? Am I dead?" All Peridot saw was white. Suddenly he heard a voice asking him questions.

?- "Peridot do you know who I am?"

Peridot- "N-no" Peridot stuttered in fear

?- "I am your guardian angel and you are dying"

Peridot- "Wow, even in death I'm always correct" Peridot laughed at his joke

Guardian angel- "It's not funny Peridot. You are slowly dying and if you die someone else will surely die also."

Peridot- "Who?"

Guardian angel- "Lapis Lazuli, she will kill herself without you."

Peridot was silent he didnt want Lapis to die.

Guardian angel- "You have two option. 1. Go to heaven and see your family again knowing Lapis will also die, or 2. go back to Lapis and be her guardian angel."

Peridot thought for a second "I'll go back"

Guardian angel- "Know this Peridot. You are still human, but if anyting happens to Lapis you will no longer live on earth. You must Protect Lapis with your life."

Peridot- "I accept, I will be her Guardian Angel."


Lapis was crying when she heard a sound she never wanted to hear.


"No Peridot can't die." She thought

Doctors rushed in to save Peridot and one tried to pull Lapis out of the room. Lapis was struggling, she didnt want to leave Peridot. She heard a voice, a voice she had fallen in love with call her name

"L-Lapis don't go." Peridot was awake, but the doctor still tried to push Lapis out of the room. Peridot sat up and stood. He walked to Lapis who was in shock that he was healed.

Lapis- "how are you walking?" she asked.

Peridot- "It's a miracle I met you"

Peridot grabbed Lapis's hand and walked away. both Lapis and the doctors couldn't believe what just happened. Peridot looked at Lapis and smiled "Lets go get some ice-cream."


If your questioning how Peridot was able to just leave the hospital my response to you is that its a book. sorry for the short chapter I wanted to put more but I had to go somewhere with family and I didnt have time continue. also sorry for any mistakes.

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