We Will Meet Again.

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Lapis woke up a few hours Later, she heard crying coming from upstairs. She thought Peridot was hurt and rushed up to see him. Upon seeing Peridot curled up and crying, she hugged him and asked what was wrong. Peridot looked at Lapis and his crying slowed

Peridot- "You know how my mom died right?"

Lapis- "Yes, is that why you are upset, you miss your mom?"

Peridot- "It's not that. We made a deal before moving here"

Lapis was confused "what was the deal?"

Peridot- "If she and Emerald were to die or not want the family company I could have it, but.." Peridot stopped

Lapis- "But what?"

Peridot- "I'd have to leave you and go back home for her own private school."

Lapis- "You're leaving me?"

Peridot- "I'm sorry but I have to. I'll come back for you, I promise."

Lapis had started to go "Just go then. It's clear you don't love me if your willing to leave like that"

Ben had opened the door "To be fair Lapis, you guys met less then a month ago"

Lapis glared at Ben "and who are you". Ben smirked " One of the people who saved your life. Peridot we should leave now." Peridot looked down "fine" he tried to hug Lapis but she pushed him away "Leave" she said. Peridot and Ben left the house. Peridot was sad when leaving, but knew he had to be strong.

Lapis Pov

I cant believe he left me, Why did he leave. I got up hours later and went to leave, it was dark outside and no one was at my house. I saw a note on the counter and read it

To Lapis.

I'm sorry I had to leave. I wanted to stay, I really did. The thing is, this company is all I have left to remind me of my family, I can't just abandon it. I have to finish my last two years here and then at least two years of college. If you ever want to talk to me you can call me. When i'm done if you want you can come find me. I shouldn't be to hard to find. I will always love you Lapis. XOXO


P.S Jasper and Topaz are more then likely dead so you don't have to worry about them and my house is now your's if you want it.

The keys were left sitting on the table and that's when I thought of something. Peridot had left me almost everything he had once owned. Why though I pondered, why leave everything behind. I went to Peridot's room and laid down, I was regretting falling for him and just wanted to end it all, but something told me that Peridot and I would meet again.

6 years Later

Its been six years since Lapis had last seen Peridot, she never bothered to call him. She still managed to live though even though she didn't want to she did. She had gained an interest in the study of rocks and as a result went through college studying them. her dream job became working at the most successful mineral company, Diamond cooperation. She had a meeting with the boss , Mr Diamond himself and she couldn't be more excited. After getting everything ready she drove to the company, which was a good hour away.  Upon arrival she parked and quickly rushed inside to the receptionist 

Lapis- " I have an appointment with Mr. Diamond."

Receptionist- "Name"

Lapis- "Lapis- Lapis Lazuli"

The receptionist messaged Mr. Diamond and let him know a Lapis Lazuli was here to see him. 

Lapis was soon granted access to the offices and she ran down the hallways like a little kid only to bump into someone in front of Mr Diamond's door. A girl was crying from being rejected. She looked at Lapis "Be careful he is really mean" and with that the girl left. Lapis didn't think he could be that mean and so she entered with a smile. Mr Diamond looked up "Who are you" he said in a harsh tone. Lapis was focusing on the man in front of her though, he was beautiful. He had emerald green eyes, blond hair, and his voice sent chills through Lapis's spine. "I'm La-Lapis Lazuli". Mr Diamond smirked and stood up and walked to Lapis "It's a pleasure to meet you." he smiled. Lapis almost fainted at his smile because it was so perfect. She had only felt like this for one other Person and that person had hurt her so bad. Mr. Diamond led Lapis to a seat and sat her down. Lapis showed Mr. Diamond her resume and hoped it was good enough. 

Mr Diamond- "This is a very impressive resume Lapis"

Lapis- "Thanks" 

Mr Diamond stopped reading congratulations Lapis you have the job as my assistant.

Lapis gave a happy squeal and Mr. Diamond looked up "You make it so hard not to kiss you".  Lapis froze and looked at Mr.Diamond "I'm sorry what?" Mr Diamond stood and walked to his door, he locked it. Lapis eyes widened with fear "Please don't hurt me". Mr Diamond stopped "why would I hurt you Lapis when I swore to always protect you". Lapis looked up shaking in fear "Who are you." Mr. Diamond smirked "I'm Peridot." Lapis stood up and looked at him "Your Peridot?" Peridot smirked "You don't recognize me?" Lapis slapped Peridot "Of course I remember the guy who left me alone for 6 years." Peridot rubbed his face "I'm sorry" Lapis quickly hugged Peridot "i missed you so much" she pulled away from the hug "how about that kiss then?" she asked. Peridot smiled actually i'm hoping my next kiss will come from my future wife. Lapis let go of Peridot she became sad but hid it with a smile "oh so you have a girlfriend." Peridot frowned "Of course I do and I love her very much". Lapis sat done on the chair and a tear fell down her cheek. "hopefully she says yes I'm proposing today". Lapis put up a smile "she would be dumb to not say yes". Shuffling could be heard behind Lapis and she turned around to see Peridot on one knee with a ring.

Peridot- "I have carried this ring for six years now. When Ben died he gave me this ring and told me to save it for the one person I truly loved and that Person is you. I never stopped loving you, I waited for you to call, but you never did. I know you might still be mad at me for leaving, but... Lapis Lazuli will you marry me?"

Lapis smiled in happiness. She looked at the blue diamond ring "yes Peridot of course I will marry you"

Peridot stood and smiled "I guess you will get your kiss after all"

One chapter left and this story is finished... *bows* I hope royalty enjoyed

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