Peridot's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day.

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Ok so in the Last chapter the ending wasn't posted at first. I went back and added it in, but if you haven't read the last part I would suggest you go back and read it. I am sorry for the tittle I just couldn't resist.

Peridot POV

"I'm waiting Peridot" Lapis smirked.

I couldn't move, I was absolutely shocked at what Lapis had done, I had been outsmarted. She had it all planned, she knew I'd stop her attempt at hitting me and so she tried hugging me instead. My head lifted to Lapis's and our lips connected. I tried to make it quick by pulling back right away but Lapis wouldn't let me. She moved her hand to the back of my head and pulled me closer, kissing me harder. Lapis had to pull back eventually to breathe and when she did she laid on my chest.

"That was nice Peri, we should do it again sometime."Lapis smiled as she said this.

"ma-maybe." my voice betrayed me like it always did when Lapis was around.

"Hey Lapis where was your family today?" my curiosity got the better of me.

Lapis froze for a second "my mom was probably working or on a buisness trip and my sister was with Ruby her boyfriend."

"You can stay with me for as long as you want Lapis"

Lapis had fallen asleep a few minutes later and I fell asleep soon after.

La time skip. 6:00 AM

Peridot woke up early and with nothing to do he set Lapis on the bed and went downstairs to turn on the T.V. he began to watch the news, he didnt realy care until a certain report came on reporting the death of someone.

Yellow Diamond and her son Emerald Diamond have died. The two were in a bad car accident at 8:00 pm Last night. Yellow Diamond owned a successful company, Diamond  Cooperation. With Emerald dead, everything that has once belonged to Mrs. Diamond will now go to her next of kin, Peridot Diamond.

End of report

Peridot ran his hand through his hair, he felt like crying but his relationship with his family was never the best. Lapis came down the stairs a few minutes later and saw Peridot who looked upset. she sat by him and pulled him into a hug.

Lapis- "Are you ok Peri?"

Peridot- "My family just died, I have no one"

Lapis- "You still have me, I'll be your family."

Peridot- "Thanks Lapis."

Lapis continued to hug Peridot until he was calm. He got out of the hug and went upstairs to get ready for school. Lapis followed a few minutes Later, she opened the door to the sight of a shirtless Peridot. Peridot had yet to notice Lapis  and Lapis kept staring at him. Peridot grabbed a green shirt with the words "Shut up" printed in black on it. Lapis was blushing and Peridot turned around "enjoying the view?" Lapis ran downstairs as fast as she could and jumped on the couch hiding her face in he pillows. A few minutes later Peridot came downstairs and sat by Lapis. "Did you enjoy the view?" Lapis face grew a darker shade of red "Y-Yes."

Peridot had a smirk on his face "Come on Lapis, we have to go to your house for clothes."

Lapis got off the couch and walked with Peridot to her house. once they arrived Peridot sat on Lapis's couch while he waited for her to get ready for school. Peridot heard Lapis run downstairs and started to stand. Peridot walked Lapis outside and to his car "this day should be Interesting" Peridot thought. Arriving at school with 5 minutes to spare Peridot rushed inside. "I'll see you at lunch Lapis."

Peridot was at his classroom door when someone attacked him from behind, it was Jasper.  Jasper slammed Peridot's head into the floor multiple times. the last thing Peridot heard before blacking out was "You will see your family soon." and with that Jasper punched Peridot's stomach as hard as he could. Jasper had ran out the school after marking carving a "R" into Peridot's arms and a "J" on his legs with a knife, Peridot had been marked by Jasper. 

The R stands for Revenge and the J stands for Jasper. I hope you guys like this chapter... it can only get better for Peridot from here right? sorry for any mistakes btw.

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