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last week , i arrived in korea and i already felt like freaking hating here . I need to freaking learn korean and its kinda hard . people here is stupsid af to not know english like ..

only some of them . this week ill be joining school . hell yeah i hate school but its okay , only one year and later I'll graduate . and fusk ill be joining sm soon . hell yea sm is my uncle company so well i can easily join it .

// side story //

naryssa family died in an accident last month , she's sometimes still is emotional but well there's this quote says that " at least they leave you with great memories , don't let the bad one let you down " . by the way she's a strong independent women so she'll fight for it .

she's lucky since her aunty wanted to take care of her even though she's already grown up . she's really a lucky ass even her aunty and uncle is freaking rich to buy her a own house . and had everything she wants . but she isn't that kinda bitch wants all also she don't want to burden her uncle and aunty . she's pretty thanked to them cause decided to take care of her and she is trying to be good to them .


" so naryssa , how's your week ? " my aunty spoke by the phone .

" umm , good ? I guess " I said then sighed .

" I know its hard for you , to learn many new things . and I know you hate learning but it for your good too , if you don't like the teacher ill find another one ? " she said .

" uh ? really aunty ? Its a little bit hard for me to understand what's she's teaching but I think ill just take korean classes in school soon so its okay " I replied .

" if that's so , I need to go honey . take care ah and eat well . next week my driver will take you to school so you don't need to walk to school alrite ? " she said .

" ok sure " I said then she ended the call .

wow , well im such a lucky ass girl . songji unnie is so kind to me . nah well she's my mother sister by the way .maye she pity me. I thought

" nah , well i can take good care of myself " i said while locking the door. as usual i went out in the middle night to get ramyeon .

well theres actually benefits staying in korea , they have yummy ramyeon or ramen .

i walked in the convention store and make my ramyeon . then I went to the cashier and pay them .

well , I usually went here so I freaking noticed that even the cashier man is different today .

" oh ? aren't jungwoo oppa taking night shift ? " I asked the boi .

" ah , jungwoo hyung changed his shift to morning shift since some problem " he replied .

" problems , hmm well he always have those shitty problems " I mutters and sighed since he's the only person that accompanied me and my ramyum on these late night .

" ah by the way thank you for buying " he said then I replied him with a smile .

I went out and sit at the chair which placed outside the store . and eat my noodles .

sometimes I kinda regret sitting outside but its already like a habit for me but usually if jungwoo is here he would invite me inside since its freezing . but if I went in rite now , argh that would be embarrassing. No .

" miss ? miss ? " I got snapped by the cashier man .

" uh ? yes ? " i replied shockingly .

" seems like you're spacing out pretty long " he said then chuckles .

" ah yeah " I replied awkwardly .

" ugh , its freaking cold outside , why don't you come inside with me ? " he said . like finally . yay

" ahh , yeah haha what am I thinking " I said then hit myself playfully .

" so , what's ur name ? " I said.

" seo youngho , but you can call me johnny " he said ." you ?"

" naryssa jackson , call me - " I said but then he cut me by saying

" aryssa ! " he said happily .

// yeahhh that's it // // tbc //

yesh ! total is 681 words I knew its sucks like well there's still way more chapters to go so take it slow don't harsh mey . hope you'll enjoy it ! ><

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