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" doyoung ? oh you work here ? " I asked . " oh .. yea .. " he exclaimed .

" um , I see you with your luggage there . where are you going tho ? " he said .

" I'm going around the world .. " I said then made a awkward laugh . " with who ? " he added .

" um , johnny . why ? " I said . " oh that's great , at least he can take good care of you . not like me . I'm sorry tho for before " he said . finally ? an apology .

" ah haha its okay , really its okay . I'm glad there's johnny " I said sarcastically. " oh here , your drinks . is this one for johnny ? " he asked while pointing at the americano .

I nod . " well , I know you like green tea" he said . I chuckle . " yea .. " I said but then youngho called me .

" ugh , seems like johnny is calling me . see you soon maybe ? " I said . " sure " he said . then I answers the call while putting the drink in a table first . how am i suppose to hold my luggage , my phone and the drinks at the same time rite .

" hey babe where are you ? " he spoke .
" I've arrived earlier , so I went to a cafe but um can you come here ? its quiet near from the entrance " I said .

" cafe bene right ? " he said . I chuckles " yeaa , come here quick babe . I buy you drinks and I couldn't hold it all haha " I said . without noticing I talked abit lout . mygod .

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