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final is finally finished , we just need to wait for the results then we'll have graduation . I knew that I am going to have good results since me with youngho really studied hard back then.

" so what r we going to do today " I asked him . " u really wanna skip school ? " he asked back . " well we finished the final so yea . " I replied .

" u really r always with me nowadays nah thats great okay let's go to the funfair today . " he said then I nodes happily .


these days do young kept walking with seoyeon and it kinda broke my heart . we act like it haven't happen before . he didn't even explained why he didn't show up or what .

its kinda disappointing .

" ill come back home today " I suddenly said at youngho .
" you sure ? "

" yea " I said then smiled at him .

when i arrived home . I am pretty surprised when I saw my aunty and my uncle are here . im ded .

" oh naryssa where have you've gone ? we've stayed here since yesterday " songji unnie said .

" I'm sorry , I stayed at my friends house " I said . " oh alrite , as long its not a boy haha " she jokes . then I fake laugh. 

its a boy though .

" we're actually here to say that after your graduation we were thinking to make you a sm trainee ! " my uncle said . " uh ? I don't know haha " I said nervously .

" its okay , take your time . I know that you've always wanted to be an artist but maybe after graduation you wanna do things you want to do first than later you can enter " aunty said . " really ? " I said happily .

" yes dear " they said . then I jump in excitements since me with youngho already planned things .

" so what have you've planned ? " they asked . " I've been thinking to have a vacation by touring some countries with my friend " I said happily .

" oh sure you can , later uncle can pay It for you " he said . " oh ? its okay really , me with my friends already collect money "

" no , its okay I'll pay it . " he said then smiled . well I couldn't reject the goodness . " thank you so much uncle !" I said happily then went upstairs to inform youngho about it .


bbbbbbbbbabbbyyyy !
arghhhhhhh !
yeaaaaaahg !


yeaaa bby whyyyy
whattt hppennn to yuuu ?


my uncle said that we can visit other countries after we graduate and HE WILL PAY FOR ALL THE EXPANSES !


bae ?
seoooooo younghoooooo
where u go


I'm shook just now
he's kind
can I kiss u ugh
I'm so happy


I'm happy too ! wait kiss me ? ugh lolololol what r u dayumyounghoe


so now u call me using that nickname u change ? u should change that back to my original usernameee its lit before u change .


what is ur username before ? 0,0


Its slayyoungho .
why u change


HAHAHHAHAH but u ain't slay gummybear .


•_• I h8 yu . humph .


u can't cause i


u wut


um cause im naryssa your best friend , ur best girl , your best everything .


damn u rite .


btw see u soon on graduation day ! I can't go out to see yu since my aunt and uncle r here


okie bih bye


bye too


ugh sometimes I totally felt something when im with him or even chatting with him . I felt like my heart is beating fast but im used to it . I think that I like him . no I love him . I love youngho .

I love him so much but .. how am I going to confessed to him . isn't the boy is suppose to confess first ? its felt weird if the girl who confessed first . its always looks like she's desperate or something . tbh

nah maybe i should just googled it .

I was about to googled it but then my aunt went in my room .

" oh ? naryssa haven't sleep yet ? " she exclaimed . " anniyo haha Im doing some stuffs " I replied . I just realized it already like 12 am .

" wanna watch drama with me ? " she asked. um why not ? " okay " I said then followed her .


" so she finally confessed ? " I asked while begin confused . " yeap . its actually good for her since she's brave and look they ended up begun together" she added . " ahhh I see " I mutters . maybe watching these kinda drama's could help me I guess .

" aunty , you know .. I actually liked someone but I d-dont know how to confess to him " I shutters nervously . I couldn't believed I even say it to my aunt about this .

" you know ? the best way is to be brave and honest " she replied and smiled.

" okay . ill try " I replied .

// yeahhh that's it // // tbc //

Its short yea I have no ideaaa ><

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