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" you ? " she asked me again . ugh I don't think its timing .

" I want ice cream ! yea Ice cream . let's go get some ice cream " I replied . well actually I was not going to say this . well done johnny but if I confess now what if she'll just leave me here in hong kong cause she rejected it .

" uh , ice cream haha i thought you wanted to say something else . nah never mind . comon let's go " she said then grabs my hand pulling me to follow her .

I smiled while following her . somehow it feels so nice when im with her . I felt so happy .


" I thought you wanted ice cream and now you didn't even finished it . are you okay youngho ? " she snapped me.

" uh ? ah right the ice cream haha . I am cold actually " I said .

" well of course , its night and we're in hong kong and we're FREAKiNG eating ice cream . you should be cold tho . well im cold too " she replied with a slightly annoyed tone .

" you're cold too ? if that's so let's go back . and here wear my jacket " I said then gave her my jacket . luckily I am wearing a sweater and a jacket so if I gave her my jacket I would felt so cold like im wearing sleeveless .

she chuckles . " okay let's go " she said then i helped her waring my jacket . we went back while hugging together to keep warm . lmao I was wrong . it is still cold even im wearing sweater .


almost most country we already gone through and our last stop is america. the place we are actually from . somehow this place brings me many memories . with my parents and my friends . but sometimes i really dont wanna remember it . cause it could slightly hurt you by missing it .

we arrived in america for already 2 hours . right after arriving we went to the hotel and I slept . I am so exhausted . same as youngho .

we were actually gonna visit some places today but nah I want to rest . its already night anyways .

// the next day //

" ugh it been a long time since I slept for 10 hours . " I said then chuckles .

" yea usually I will sleep on 4 because of you " youngho said then bites his apple .

" haha well I was so tired last night . the flight was so long and I couldn't take it anymore . I don't want to make myself hates flights " I replied then eat my pancakes .

" bahaha get used to it . later when you're an artist there's more flight and even your passport could finish in a year " he jokingly said . i slightly punched him . " haha ill try , yeaaa " I said .

later then I went back to the buffet and takes some foods but then when I am going to take some cake an old lady beside me who is waiting her turn looked at me like I take the food too much . I felt bad so sudden so i only take one cake .

then I ran back to my table and complained it to youngho .

" I hate when strangers looked at me when im innocent " I suddenly said when I arrived at my table .

" wha- what happen ? "

" humph , there's this old lady looking at me like i am taking so much food . is it even wronggg if I eat a little much " I replied annoyingly .

" lmao maybe the old lady is jealous that a beautiful lady eat so much but if she eat much she will be fat " he jokingly said . I chuckles .

" omg hahah that's true hahah " I laughed and laughed .

after we finished eating . we were going out but then suddenly someone touches my shoulder . I was shocked and hurrily looked at my back .

it was the old fff lady .

" uh sorry ? " I said .

" don't you remember me ? " the old lady said . I looked at youngho confusingly and slightly annoyed .

" oh yea , the woman who looked at me like a creep " I sarcastically said then rolled my eyes . well im still mad . I just hate it . huh

" oh dear , you've must forget me . I was your aunty's grandmother " she said .

what the heck . songji's unnie grandmother ? what the hell .. her grandmother already died like many years ago and that time I wasn't even born yet .

" huh I think you're mistaken . I have no aunty " I lied . lmao she looked like a creep so that why .

" oh ? haha im mistaken then . oh and who is this handsome man ? your boyfriend ? " she added . its not even her business ..

" ah no he is my husband haha my husband " I replied her sarcastically .

later then I pulled youngho outside .

" ugh that was really annoying " I mutters .

" ow so im your husband now ? " he teasingly said with a smirk .

" aish yah stop that ergh " I said then leave him .

" yah okay, wait for me " he said then catch with me up .


" so this is my old school " I said while pointing at the huge building .

" owh , i used to stayed near this place tho but I don't remember where " he said .

" owww I see , owh omo look a that store ! Back then I usually went there with my friends . let's go there " I said then pulled him to follow me .

" its a candy shop ! " he exclaimed as looked into it .

while picking some candy , mostly my favourites . i looked at youngho who is talking with the person at the counter.

Its a women . i dont know what i felt but i am slightly jealous .

I then put back my candy and ran outside without they noticed . i felt broken . i went far from the place . its okay tho since i know the way back to the hotel.

i went to this park and sat at the bench beside the huge pond while looking at the duck and the ducklings . 

' i dont know .. I dont know why is this feeling haunting me '

" i-i hate it " i mutters then hide my face to my palm .

" what do you hate ? " an unfamiliar voice suddenly exclaimed beside me

I lift my head and then i gaps in shock when it reveals its ..

// yeahhh thats it // // tbc //

Yea i know its lame o well idk


(updt: 30/10/17 i wrote the whole book since last year till this year january, so please ignore the things i said that is out of date aldy )

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