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johnny lookin hot ^

Final Chapter

" naryssa , its been a long time since we hang out or talked to each other .... you seems to be busy these days " youngho exclaimed while both of us were watching the stars .

i didn't reply anything as i was still nervous on what he 'really' want to say . " i miss you " he added .

oh damn , why am i more nervous now . " i wanted to confess to you that–"

" that you have a girl friend? nah , its okay johnny ... i already knew about it ! and im happy that you finally have someone to be with you ... and yes johnny , im busy these days . its has been hard for me okay . i sometimes felt tired of these things " i cutted his words . while having a teary eye , i stared at him in slightly anger .

he looked at me in dumbfounded and sighed " naryssa ... look – "

" johnny , im tired of these things . can you just stay loyal with your girlfriend?! stop giving hopes at me ! i felt hurt everytime seeing you okay ?! dont you get it ! " i exclaimed with an anger tone . yup , i finally can't control my anger anymore .

tears were slipping put from my eyes without stop ... my voice cracked as i was crying so ugli.

i woke up and was about to walk away but then he pulled me back and gave me a warm embrace .

i pushed him so hard but i lose , he's just more stronger than me on this state ... im just so weak , both my body and heart .

he chuckles " you're still the same ... never gave me a chance to talk " he said . i punched him and things but he's just became more stronger now .

i hope i dont die because of this hug . i sobbed at his chest " let me go johnny ! let me go youngho !"

but then i gave up and just ended up staying at that position weakly . he later on hold my shoulder while looking at my face , was observing it .

" naryssa, i don't know from who did you get this information but the only girl that i love is ... you " he exclaimed. i think my innerself has just died .

" pstt , do you think i believe on such a scammer like you " i replied .

he gasped dramatically " oh lord , i think that the scammer here is you because you have stolen my heart from me " he replied . bish

i was trying to hold my laugh but i failed by chuckling a little , but i stopped as i saw him smiling .

he sighed " naryssa , i just want you to know that .. i only . love you okay ? i know that i am stupid to let you hold your feelings towards me .. i am stupid for not confessing earlier but ... i really love you .. you're the only one that i have and believe in my life .... even before my parents left me . you're the only one .... who's there for me " he said .

i stared at his eyes " i never felt serious in any relationship because i kept on thinking of you . later then i realised that my heart is already attached to you .. "

" i love you too okay ? " he added before kissing me . AGAGAGA my first kiss with ma man .

0.0 oh god .

he then ended up by hugging me , im still dumbfounded on what he did . is this a dream ? its weird .

" but youngho .. when did i said that i love you though? "

he laughed " doyoung has told me everything "

i pushed him " how dare him "

" no ! dont be mad at him though, he's the one helped me to figure out how to confess to you though .. eventhough the plan didnt work but nah ! im happy that you finally knew that i love you back and only you "

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