Chapter 1

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Melody's P.O.V

I woke up from the den my brothers and I shared, sadly. I heard paws padding against the fall leaves. My ears perked up and I followed the sound. "Mom, dad, what's going on? It's the middle of the night." I send to them through my mind. (A/N: Yes I know it's kind of like Twilight but I really like the idea of them communicating through their minds.) 

My mother turned to face me. "Sweetie it's nothing your father and I were just having a discussion. That's all." She told me. "Whatever," I told her. She growled at me. "Sorry," I said and then she stopped. Dad then came into the room. He's a lot bigger than my mom and me. He has black-grey fur and blue eyes.

"Melody, I need you speak to you, alone." He said. I lowered my head and a small whimper escaping my mouth, but I followed him anyway, outside into the clearing. We sat down by the ledge. 

"Now Melody, I know you've heard this story before, but I'm going to tell you again. You're 16 Moons old  and you need to know this. You  can find your soulmate at any time. You'll find your soul mate in your own time, you'll know who he is when you feel a magnetic pull toward him when you look into his eyes and remember only wolves are soul mates to other wolves. For example, if you saw a human and felt that magnetic pull towards him then you'd know he's a wolf, not just an ordinary human you may see every once in a while. Do you understand Melody?"

"Yes, yes dad I know this. I'm 16 moons for crying out loud!" I said to him. I could tell my dad didn't like to tone once he started growling. "Sorry for the attitude, but I know this stuff already," I told him and he stopped growling. "Very well, go back and get some sleep, you'll have a busy day tomorrow." He said. 

"Tomorrow?" I asked wondering what's going on. 

He nodded his head. "Yes, tomorrow, you'll be going to human school tomorrow." I looked at him like he was insane, but he was up on all fours and already in the den, padding after mom.

School as if I'm going there, too many humans!

I headed back to the den I shared with my younger brothers. I laid down back in the spot I originally was in. I placed my head on my paws thinking of the disaster that would come of tomorrow, many many bad things.


I woke up at someone nudging me. "No go away, I want to sleep," I told whoever it was through our mind connection. "Sorry sis, but you've got to get up, you've got to go to human school!" I heard one of my brothers say, it was Leo. 

"You can't make me go!" I said and stayed laid in the spot. "Melody June Fang if you don't get up this instant you will not get any breakfast this morning!" I heard my dad. Ugh! "Fine, fine, fine. I'm up happy!" I shouted to every through our connection.

My bright blue eyes flew open and I saw every standing around me, the boys had buckets in their jaws. They wouldn't dare. I quickly scrambled onto all four paws and ran, they chased me. "Boys leave your sister alone, she has to get ready. Melody, there are clothes in a dresser in my room, go change and we're going to leave!" She said and I quickly went into my human form and got dressed. I went in front of the mirror and brushed my long blonde honey hair, being in my wolf form so long makes my hair get really long, but a real pain to brush out. 

Once I was don't I looked at my outfit. I had on a t-shirt that said "Run Wild and Free" with a simple grey jacket over top. Then I had a pair of skinny jeans some pink socks and finally some boots, cause who doesn't love boots!

I smiled at myself one more time before heading out of my parents room and into the main part of the house, which is only for us to blend in with society so that if people ever want to come over they can't we just don't take them into the den.

I finally made it to our kitchen, the one of humans type of course. "Here you go sweetie, my mom said, she was in her human form as well. "Thanks," I said and began to eat my bacon. Hey every girl loves bacon, especially a wolf girl. Once I was finished I grabbed my new school bag, which my parents bought me a week ago; my mom told me this.

"Ready to go?" She asked. "Yeah," I said and we headed to the car, also to show that we're a normal family, same goes with the rest of the pack, they also live around us.

Mom started the car and we left to go to LakeSide High School, yay. Note the sarcasm. It didn't take that long, maybe a good 5 minutes, 10 if I'd walked, and 2 if I had ran. "Thanks mom," I told her. She looked at me. "Okay now here's the story, you're a new student and you're 16 years old. (A/N: Sorry again just a little information, 16 moons in this book means 16 years old) Also, you're a Junior." She told me.

"Yes, mom I know, can I go now? The faster I get going to fast I can get home and be a wolf again and the faster I can get revenge on Leo and the rest of the boys for this morning." I told her.

"Yes, you may go, but remember, don't tell anyone what you really are." She said as I exited the car. "Yeah, mom I know. Love you." I told her. "Love you to sweetie." She said and pulled away from the school. I looked up to see a huge building, around 3 stories tall. 

I walk into the school. Being around humans is strange, all their different smells, all the perfume and cologne is everywhere, or maybe it's because I have a super sensitive nose, yeah that's it. "Hi,"  I heard a calming voice say. I turned around to see a girl about 5 feet 2 inches standing behind me. She had curly brown hair and dark green eyes. 

"Uh, hi?" I said, but it was more of a question coming out of my voice. The girl laughed. "Sorry, you must be new, I'm Lana Morgan and you are?" The girl asked who's name is Lana. "Sorry again, I'm Melody Fang, nice to meet you." I said.

"Nice to meet you too, so are you looking for the head masters office?" She asked. "Uh, yeah I need to get my schedule." I told her. She smiled. "Okay well follow me." Lana finally said and started walking to opposite way, I followed her.

Maybe today won' be so bad after all. Maybe I'll become great friend with this human, I mean Lana.

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