Chapter 4

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My dad and mom walked into the room with whom I'm assuming are Caleb's parents. "Well, why don't we start the discussion." Caleb's dad said. My parents brought them over to the couches and they all sat down in various chairs/couches.

Caleb sat beside me, much to my dismay. "Now, Jesse can you tell me why your daughter was in our territory today and why she goes to that school." Caleb's dad asked. I sighed.

My dad spoke. "Yes, well that was the closets school or else we would have to travel an hour away  just to take her." Mr. Williams nodded his head. "Very well your daughter may continue going there, but if she causes any harm to my pack or family, dark times will fall on both packs."

My dad nodded. He is saying that there will be war if I harm their pack or family. "Very well, we agree with your deal." dad said. I looked over to see Caleb looking right at me. "Come on Caleb time to go." Mr. Williams said. My mom stopped him.

"Why don't you guys stay for dinner?" She said. "Sure why not, couldn't do any harm." Mrs. Williams said. "Great. The food will be done in about 30 minutes." Mom said. "Melody, why don't you show Caleb around the house."

I sighed again. Great, be around the person I can't stand, at the moment, just my luck! "Come on Caleb, let's go." I told him. He followed me, like a lost puppy finding it's owner for the first time. "This is the main part of the house, but we don't use it much, um, this way is the dens."

I walked into the room and saw all five of my brothers phased in their wolf form, of course. "Boys, what are you doing?" You know we have guest over right?" I raised my voice a little at them.

Leo and Jack had a smirk planted on their wolf faces. "What are you smirking at?" I asked them. Caleb tapped me on the shoulder. "What?" I yelled a bit at him.

He pointed up, and I looked up and saw a water bucket over top of where I was standing. Oh, no. I looked at the boys and Leo lifted his front left paw and reviled a rope. The rope moved when he moved his paw. Less than a millisecond later I was drenched head to toe with water.

"Boys!" I yelled as I looked over at Caleb who was laughing his head off. "That was awesome!" He said while laughing still.

I stormed out of the room and into the kitchen, Caleb followed after me, once again. "Mom!" I yelled. She looked at me sternly. "Sorry, but look what the boys did to me!" I shouted while Caleb started laughing again. I looked at him and glared, but he didn't stop.

"Caleb!" I heard his father shout. This shut him right up. Mom fave me a towel. "Go get dried off." She said. Before I left I asked. "Once I'm dried off can I go and phase. I'm sick of being human." "Only thirty minutes." She said. Yes!

I quickly dried off then turned around realizing that Caleb was standing in the door way, leaning against it actually. "What?" I asked him. "I told you to stay away from me." He said in a cold tone.

"Hello, I've tried!" I told him. "No, so much since you've brought my family into a situation that we could have avoided in the first place!" He snapped at me.

I rolled my eyes at this. "What's so bad about it, the rule is if I harm a member of your pack or family there is war, simple as that." 

He frowned. "Wrong. I know my father if you're caught  in our territory again in your wolf form at least, not so sure about your human form, anyway, then you're a dead little wolf pup." He said in a tone that sounded like he was worried about me. I ignored it, well not thinking about it at least for now. Instead of arguing with him I asked him if he wanted to come.

"Okay, then if you want to come out on a run with me you can," I said before heading out the den entrance that leads into the forest. I phased into my wolf. 

I looked up and saw Caleb standing there with his mouth opened. What is it, like he's never seen a wolf before. I mean he is one for crying out loud! I then ran away into the forest. Out of his sight.

Caleb's P.O.V

I watched as Melody left. What does all of this mean? Why do I feel like I need to be near her so much? I've got to ask my mom about this, just not tell her about it. I'll ask her how she and dad met, that might do it. I saw the last of her white fur disappear behind the trees before heading back into the house.

There I found my  parents sitting at the dinner table food already set out. I saw two out of many brothers that Melody has. "Son, come and join us." dad said. I went and sat down.I began to eat the meal. "This is really good," I said to Melody's mom. "Thanks, Caleb." She responded.

We ate our meal and said our goodbyes. As we walked out the door I saw Melody come up to go inside I guess. "I'm sorry for causing this. I promise I won't break it." She said to my dad. He nodded.

"I hope so, now if you'll excuse us, we've got to get going it's getting late. Tell your mother that dinner was wonderful." my dad told her. Melody nodded her head, slightly but noticeable. She went inside and shut the door.

"Let's go, son." my dad said. We all piled into our car and went home. Once we reached the house dad went straight to bed, tired I guess.

I walked over to mom. "Mom, I've got a question," I asked. "What's up?" She responded. "How did you and dad meet?" I asked. She smiled. "I knew you would ask that at some point. Come on let's sit down and I will tell you." So we sat down on the sofa.

Mom began her story. "Your father and I were about your age. We had both attended the same high school, but we never had any classes together. Well, the storing of my junior year, your father and I met when he accidently knocked me over, spilling my books all over the place. He said he was sorry and when your eyes met, we couldn't look away from one another, well we could but it was hard to. We felt like we belonged to one another and only them. Remember though wolves only are soul mates to other wolves, no human, fairies, mermaids, etc. My point is that when you feel that magnetic pull, you'll know you've found the one for you."

She finished her story. "Thanks, mom," I told her. "Now get some sleep, you've got school tomorrow morning," she said before disappearing after dad. I phased and padded over to my den area and laid my head down onto my paws. Thinking helped me go to sleep, but all of my dreams were filled with her.

Melody's P.O.V

Once Caleb and his family had gone my parents come up to me. "What?" I asked them. they just looked at me like I was going crazy. "You know you can tell us anything right?" Mom said. "Yeah, what's going on?" I asked worriedly. "Nothing wrong sweetie, we just feel like you aren't telling us the whole story about why you were in those woods earlier this morning," Dad said. Great.

"I swear dad, mom it was nothing," I told them. They shared a look. "okay then, go to sleep, you must be tired." mom said before she and dad phased and went to their den area. I phased myself and went to the den and got some sleep, but all I dreamed about was him.

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