Chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up out of my slumber by a bucket of water being poured on me. I yelped. "Boys!" I yelled at them through our connection. They all have a guilty wolf grin on their faces.

"Two more days of school for you!" Leo said bouncing up and down. "Yes, but I still have to go to school next week," I told him, making his ears fall down against his head. I left the room and phased into my human form before getting dressed.

I slipped on a light blue tank top with my gray jacket with a pair of dark skinny jeans to go along with it. I then put on a pair of white converse. Once I was done I heading to find my mom. I found her in the kitchen. "Morning sweetie," She said as I came into the room.  "Morning," I responded to her.

"So, your father and I had a talk about last night, and we've decided to tell you." She began and sat down at the table with me. "Tell me what?" I asked confused. She sighed and then began. "The Williams pack and our pack are not really friends with one another, more like we are enemies with one another. That's why they didn't want you going to that school. They feel like you'll tell their secrets to us."

"Wait for enemy's, why?" I asked. "Well it's kind of silly, well I think it is anyway, something happened a few generations ago with your great, great grandpa and their pack's leader at the time. A little falling out as we would put it in today's terms." Mom said.

I thoughts this over. So my supposed soul mate's pack and my pack hate each other because of a falling out a few generations ago! So what are he and I suppose to bring the packs together or something?

"Okay mom, thanks for telling me. Now I've got to go or  I'll be late." I told her. I grabbed my bag and raced out the door towards the school before the first block bell rang.

I made it into the classroom just in time. "You're lucky this time Miss. Fang. Take a seat." the teacher said as I walked into the classroom. I sighed and walked to my seat and sat down beside Lana and my supposed soul mate, yes I refuse to cal him by his name.

"Hey Melody," Lana told me as I sat down. "Hey," I responded to her. "So, did you do the homework?" She asked. Oh crap, with his family at my house I had totally forgotten about it. "No sorry, my parents had company and I had to show their jerk face of a son around," I explained to her.

Lana's eye lite up like a Christmas tree in December. "Who was he, anyone I would know?" She asked. "Nope sorry he goes to another school," I told her. I better not tell her about a certain person beside me being over at my house last night or rumors would spread like a wildfire in the great plains.

She looked at me disappointed, "Okay then, if you want to keep  it a secret that's fine."  She said as if she knew I was lying, which I was, sort of. I turned to face the front when the teacher stood up. "Okay class, so you will be starting a project about the different jobs there are that requires math. This will be a partner effort."

I mentally faced palmed myself. Great, why does the universe hate me? What have I done to them to make them hate me so much?  "The person to your right will be your partner, so for example Jason, you'll be Lana's partner and Melody you'll be Caleb's partner. Now everyone else find you, partners." It was official.

Caleb turned to me. "Just your luck you know, getting to spend all your precious time with me." He said. I growled at him. Even if he's my soul mate doesn't mean I have to like him.

"Now I will tell you your topics, Jason and Lana, you guys will have to research... Melody and Caleb, you'll be researching how scientist uses math..." The teacher kept on going. There were about 11 pairs in the room total. That meant 22 students total.

The bell ran. "Class dismissed and remember this project is due Monday, so you've got tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday to work on it!" I then left the classroom.

"Oooo," Lana said as we began to walk to our next classes. "What?" I asked her confused. "You're partner's with Caleb Williams, the hottest and badest boy in the entire school." She said excitedly. "Yeah, so?" I asked her again. Her eyes widened.

"What," I asked still confused. "You don't understand how lucky you are right now. All of the girls want him, especially miss queen bee over there." Lana explained. I didn't understand her, so I just rolled my eyes. "You know she's going to come after you right?" Lana told me, hoping to scare me.

I walked toward the art room. "I don't care, I'll beat her up again like I'm scared of the lost puppy dog. I've got to go or I'm going to be late, I'll see you at lunch." I said before hurrying off to class. As I waws running to class I was pulled into an empty classroom. A hand was over my mouth.

"I'm going to let go, and you aren't going to scream, got it?" Caleb's voice rang through my ears. I nodded my head and he let go. "What do you want?" I asked confused.

"You aren't going to tell her are you?" He asked. "You mean Lana, no I"m not going to tell her! Are you crazy? I wouldn't put her in danger like that!" I told him raising my voice a little. "Good," He said. I shifted a bit awkwardly. "You can go now, I got what I needed to know out of you." He said, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Okay, see yeah. Oh and my mom told me about the feud between our packs." I told him, whispering the word packs just in case anyone was listening in. That quickly caught his attention.

"They told you about it, so what do you think of it?" He asked curiously. "Stupid," I said to him, which caused him to crack a small smile out of him. "Well then, I'm not the only one anymore who thinks that." He said.

I looked at him in shock. "I thought you'd be all over it, you know, hating the girl who is in te pack of your enemy," I said to him. He shook his head. "I never said I hated you, just that you should stay away from me." He said.

Wait, so he doesn't hate me. Does he feel that magnetic pull as well? "Well, if you must know I don't hate you either." I regretted it as soon as the words slipped out of my mouth. I heard the bell ring. "I've got to get to class," I told him.

He shook his head. "Nope, we are going on an adventure. To clear things up. Let's go." He said and took my hand, which shot sparking throughout every inch of my body. He then dragged me out of the classroom and out the front doors of the school.

"Why don't we just go to into the woods?" I asked him. He gave me a look. "Oh yeah, right. Can't be caught on your packs land." I told him, which he nodded at. I then remembered where neither pack could find us. "Follow me," I said and took off running the direction of my house, Caleb close behind.

Soon we reached our destination. "Wow," was all Caleb said. 'Yup, this is where I go every day, but in wolf form of course." I told him. "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked him. I walked across a long over the small river until I reached the middle.

"Us." waws all he said, which made me lose concentration and I fell right into the river. I saw up and held onto the log for support. "Us?" I questioned. He nodded his head slowly. Great.

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