Chapter 2

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Lana and I finally reached the Head Master's office when the first period bell rang. "Okay, well I'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon, I'll see you later Melody!" Lana shouted as she quickly ran to her class.

I opened the doors to the Head Master's office. "Yes, what can I do for you?" a women said as she was looking trough papers. "Hi, um I'm Melody Fang, I'm new here." I told her. She looked up at me. "Ah, Ms. Fang nice to meet you. Here is your schedule, locker combination, and school map. You may go, you're late for your first block." She said and left.

I didn't even know the Head Masters name but I guess it didn't matter. I looked at my schedule. I had math first. Great one of my worst subjects. I slowly took my time before reaching the classroom 15 minutes late. "Ah, you've finally decided to join us, Ms. um," the teacher said looking down at his list. "Fang, Melody Fang." I told him. 

"Oh, you must be our new student. You can take a seat next to Ms. Morgan." he said. I look a seat next to Lana. "Okay class, now..." the teacher began. I tuned him out. I mean it's not like I'm ever going to need this subject, I'm a freak-in wolf for crying out loud. So I took out my sketch pad and began to draw a self-portrait of me, in my wolf form that is, of course others didn't know that.

Lana leaned over toward me and looked at my sketch. "Wow, that's really good," She said. "Thanks," I said. "You know there is and art program at the school, you could join if you'd like." Lana encouraged me. "Thanks, but no thanks. I like to keep my art of myself if that's alright." I told her. She looked disappointed at me. "Okay then," she said and turned back to her work.

I would have taken up Lana's offer, but I can't stand 7 hours a day being human, I need to feel the wind in my fur, a wolf is the only way I know how to live; well and draw apparently. "Okay class, don't forget to do page 435 for homework tonight." The teacher who's name I never caught told us. Good thing I have a good memory. 

I exited the class room into the busy hallway of the school. My next class was art, just my luck right? As I walked I heard other's whispering around the hall. I only caught a few words though. Apparently some students out suspended a few days ago and they come back tomorrow. I wonder who they are, and what did they get suspended for?

I finally made it to art with 2 extra minutes to spare. I quickly sat down in a seat that was not taken. Soon students filled in. "Um,  you're in my seat!" I girl said behind me and shoved me out. A few Oooh's came out of the students mouths. The teacher wasn't in the room yet. 

I growled at her. The girl looked at me. "Listen, newbie, you're obviously new but anyway  that's besides the point. You don't get in my way and I won't be in yours." She said in a stern tone. Yeah right, like I was going to let this plastic-air-head boss be around.

I got up off the ground and stood over her. "Okay miss-queen-of-air-heads, now you're going to listen. You'll leave me alone or we're going to have problems, now I suggest you get up and move before I make you, and darlin' I suggest you don't mess with me." I told her. She didn't seemed fazed by it, but I wasn't going to let her get away from anything without a hit.

She stood up and pushed me backward. "Okay well, looks like you've just made your first of many enemies." and soon I received a punch in the face. I felt blood trickle down my face from where my nose had began to bleed. "I warned you darlin'. " I told her before jumping on her and attacking.

Soon the air-head was pulled away by her so called 'friends'. "This isn't over!" She said before they exited to room to go to the nurse I suppose. "Oh don't worry, this is far from over." I shouted and then the teacher walked into the room. "Can anyone tell me what happened to Everlynn?" she asked.

Every hand pointed to me. "Ah, well Miss. Fang, I suggest this school doesn't accept students beating up other classmates. Please report to the Head Master's office now, I'll send a report down with you as well to explain your behavior." She said and began to feel out the report.

I shrugged my shoulders. She deserved it in the first place. The teacher gave me the papers and I headed down to the Head Master's office. "Miss. Fang what brings you back to my office so soon?" The head master asked as I headed her the paper cliped papers to her. She looked at them and then looked at me.

"Miss. Fang, our school has a no bulling policy, if you can't follow that rule then you'll be punished. I'll have to call your parents and they will be taking you home, but concider this a warning Miss. Fang. Anymore violence and your punishment will be a lot worse, do you understand me." She said. 

"Yes, ma'am I understand. Completely." I told her. She looked at me sternly before calling my parents. I could hear the entire conversation, but I decided to tune it out.

Not but 10 minutes after, mom walked through the doors of the Head Master's office. "That you Head Master Kingsly, I'll make sure we straighten Melody out when we get home. This wont every happen again." My mom told her. "Thank you Mrs. Fang. You may go." the Head Master said and we exited the room.

Once we reached the car my mom started yelling at me. "Melody, how could you do that on your first day, you're lucky it was me who answered the phone and not your father, I wont tell him anything, but I suggest you get your act together, you're still going tomorrow whether you like it here or not!" Mom shouted as we reached the house.

"I'm sorry mom, but that girl drove me crazy, what else could I have done, she punched me first anyway, I was using self defense." I told her. She rolled her eyes. "Just go do your homework, you may shift afterward then you can do anything until ten thirty before you have to go to bed." Mom said. "Thanks mom," I told her and quickly ran to the den and began my homework as got it done quickly so that I could shift.

I hated being in my human form, my wolf form is so much more relaxing. Once I was done I quickly shifted and ran out of the den and into the forest to get the fresh air I needed.

The wind blowing in my fur felt so good. Tomorrow will be a better day. Hopefully.

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