Chapter 7

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"We are moving our pack," she told us. No, away from everything I know. Wait, why didn't they tell me? "Why didn't you tell me?" I shouted a little.

"We were going to tell you, but we didn't know how to reach you," Dad said. I wanted to scream. "Oh, I don't know, come and tell me would have been nice. You could have told me this morning. You know what, I don't care! Go, leave me." I said before running off into the woods. I can't believe them!

Caleb's P.O.V

"Some kind of family you are," I told him before I began to rush off, but I was stopped by Melody's father. "Caleb, please. Let me explain why we did this." He said. I sighed. "Go on," I told him.

"We were going to come back for Melody when we thought it was safe, your father has threated us enough. I want you to explain to Melody that we would have come after her when we thought it was a right time to return. We will stay and fight if that makes Melody happy that we are still here. Do you understand?" He told me. 

"No, I don't understand, my family may be cruel, but at least we don't leave our family members when times get hard," I told him, standing up to him for Melody'sake, and for mine. He lowered his head.

I ran off not waiting for an answer to go find Melody. I found her sitting on that same log. I phased back into my human form. "Hey," I said as I sat down next to her. She looked up. "What did my parents have to say to you?" She asked as tears streamed down her face. I took on of my fingers and wiped them away from her eyes, then I explained.

Melody's P.O.V

I listened to Caleb as he told me what my parents had to say. I felt one of his arms wrap around me and pull me close. "Do you understand Mel?" He asked.

"No and Yes," I told him. "But I'm still not very happy with them. I don't understand because they would come back for me, when? When I turned forty? Yes, I understand that they were moving the pack for protection, but that doesn't change things."

Caleb cracked a smile. "Yeah, if I was in your position, I would be too. Now Let's get you home." He said. I nodded my head. "Carry me?" I asked him. He laughed a little. "Always Princess, always." Those were the last words I heard as I drifted off to sleep in his arms.

My eyes opened up, and I saw that I was no longer in Caleb's arms. I sat up and left my vision to adjust to the light. I looked over to see Caleb asleep in a nearby chair. "He hasn't left your side you know." a voice said behind me.

I turned my head to see my mom standing there. "Oh," was all I managed to say. "I know, that you know that he knows you guys are soul mates." She said. "For how long?" I asked her. "Awhile," She said.

"And you don't care?" I said to her. "No, it doesn't matter where he's from or where you're from, what matters is that you've found one another, your father, on the other hand, isn't happy your soulmate is from the enemy pack." She said.\

I smiled. "Do I need to talk to dad?" I asked her. She smiled. "I think that's a good idea." I nodded my head and headed to go find him.

I found him where we first had our discussion before school started. "Dad," I said as I sat down next to him. "Why him sweetheart?" He asked me. "I don't know dad, the world works in mysterious ways. We were bound to meet at some point or another." I told him.

He nodded his head. "I just want to know that you're safe and sound with him." "I will be, dad. Caleb hasn't hurt me." I told him. "Okay, that's all I needed to know, you may go now sweetheart. I think I hear your Prince Charming waking up." He said with a smile.

I got up and headed back into the room. I saw Caleb sitting up on the couch I was just laying on. "Hey, Princess." He said to me which made me blush. "Hey," I told him.

I went over and sat with him on the couch. He wrapped his arms would me and I leaned in to kiss him but was interrupted my Leo's hand. I just kissed Leo's hand. I spat at the thought of what just happened. "Leo!" I yelled at him.

"Look here mister, if you're going to date my sister you're going to need my blessing." He said. I slapped myself in the face. This is going to be good.

"Okay, can I have your blessing?" Caleb asked playing along with Leo. Leo had a smirk on his face."No," He said. "Now guys!" He shouted and we were being pelted by water balloons. "Leo, calm down!." I told him.

He stopped for a moment. "Boys vs Girls!" He shouted. Wait, I'm the only girl. Oh no! "Get her!" Leo shouted. My 5 brothers and Caleb came at me with water balloons.

Soon I was picked up by Caleb and he started tickling me, one of my weaknesses. "N-no C-caleb S-stop!" I told him while laughing. Leo then piped in. "Yes, you now have my blessing." This made Caleb stop, I took the opportunity and kicked him. That's what he gets!"

He doubled over in pain. "Ha ha, that's what you get!." I laughed. Mom and dad came into the room. "Melody, why is Caleb on the ground in pain?" She asked looking at us, then she noticed the house. "You will all clean up this mess, even you Caleb!" She said again. We all had guilty smiles plastered across our faces.

"Now, we need to think of a plan. Caleb, do you think you can get a hold of your father's plans or at least information our of him?" Dad asked Caleb. "I can try, sir." He said to my dad. I can tell he's a little scared of my dad, one because my dad would kill him if he ever hurt me, literary!

"Great, when you get a hold of them or find out anything, then please tell us, or at least Melody so she can tell us," Dad said. Caleb nodded. I looked over at the clock. It was about 10:30 pm.

"I better get going, I'll see what I can find out," Caleb said. I walked with Caleb outside. He took my hands into his own. "We're going to be okay, I'll make sure of it. I'll always be on your side, even against my own family." He said.

I smiled at that. He really cares for me. "Thank you, Caleb, if there is anyone I can always count on it's you. You've been there for me since I've met you. I love you Caleb and I always will." As I finished I felt his lips crash onto mine once more.

"I love you too Melody, and I always will." He sais and crashed his lips onto mine again. We then broke apart. "Until we meet again my Princess." He said. I giggled a little but played along. "Of course my Princess Charming." With that, he smiled and began his way home.

I went back inside and shut the door. I saw seven pairs of eyes looking at me. "What?" I asked them. They looked off as if they didn't see or hear anything that was just said and done.

I ran off to my den and laid down to set some sleep. Today has yet been another long day, so many things are going on at once. Wondering who is going to win this war, my family or Caleb's.

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