6- dont let a vampire talk you to sleep, thats bad.

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My eyes opened up, it was bright outside- wait, where am I? I raised up, I listened to all the noises and found myself in a hospital room? Why?

I got up, I wasn't hooked to anything- so nothing serious, but how the fuck did I get here? I walked around the station divider and locked eyes with a blonde nurse in purple scrubs. I stared awkwardly until she smiled and greeted herself.

"Hello, Joshua. My names Jenna, I'm a nurse. Do you know what day it is?" She asked, leading me back to the bed I was in previously. I shook my head and looked out of the window seeing that it was day time. "It's my birthday? I-I was in the forest," I looked up at her writing on a clipboard before returning to all the medical supplies.

"Not many people can say that they survived a night out there, when your friends found you you were passed out on the ground." She stated, looking at me. I instantly felt my neck, I felt to see if I had any bite marks. Silly, I know. I must have dreamed that whole conversation. "What happened, last night at the treehouse?" I asked, she sighed and crossed her legs when she sat down.

"Well, according to the report, your friends went to check on you but when they got there you were unconscious in front of the tree house. They said you weren't waking up so they brought you here." She stopped, looking at the time and then proceeded. "We ran some test but found nothing, we sent the samples and tests off and hopefully we can find out what it was that made you faint like that. Can I ask you what you remember?" I frozen, Tyler is what I remember.

But I can say that, if it is real and I do tell then he'll kill me, that's what he said, right? I looked up at the nurse, she was waiting. "I remember trying to get Blurryface to speak into the EVP and, I must have passed out after trying to get up the ladder." She nodded, writing down more and more before standing up.

"Just get some rest, your family and friends are on their way right now." And then she left. I would be worried about was wrong but all I think about was the dream. I took my Twilight obsession to a whole level.

Blurryface wasn't dead, he was a vampire and his name was Blurryface it was Tyler. It was all just a big weird dream. It was a fucking awesome dream but holy shit what if they actually happened? I know for sure that it didn't, but I kinda wish it was.

It didn't take long before my brother, two sisters, and parents waked in.  Ash and Abbs jumped onto the hospital bed and hugged me instantly. "You said you'd be safe!" Ash almost cried in my chest, Abigail still didn't let go.  "I'm sorry, Ash, but I'm okay. Our tea party isn't cancelled." I soothingly rubbed her back, Abigail and her had gotten up after mom scolded them.

"That's what you get for stealing my camera- which I have back by the way." Jordan stuck his tongue out, I rolled my am eyes and looked at him. "You know I'm not crippled? I can still kick your as-"

"Josh..." My dad spoke lowly, I shut up but not before kicking my brother.


I got discharged from the hospital the same day I woke up, the doctor said my test results would come in one to two months. Right now it's 11:20pm and all I really want to do is go to sleep, after coming home and immediately having to host a tea party for my sisters it would be safe to say I was exhausted.

"Night, girls. We must continue this party some other time, I am pooped. I love you two." I hugged both sisters, they returned the hugs. "We love you, too!"

"Dad, mom, I'm off to bed!" I yelled throughout the house, hearing replies from both of them. I walked to my room and closed the door behind me, and locking it. I got a pair of pj's out of my dresser, changing into them quickly and finally, I dropped myself on my bed.

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