Chapter 1: A Different Day, A Mysterious And "Pretty" Girl

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Today is a day full of fun and children play happily on the PlayGround, Connor, Amaya and Greg did not stop playing and loved to be together and not let anything prevent them from having fun as children.

Finishing the break ... In Connor's classroom, Amaya and Greg ...

Cameron: Hey, hey, Connor.

Connor: What do you want, Cameron?

Cameron: I'm waiting for you to give me back my comics from Master Fang.

Connor: First of all, no, and second you wait because I'm just starting to read them and I'd like to keep them because I like them.

Cameron: I hate you, changing the subject, when are you coming to the fair that will be tomorrow at 7?

Connor: I do not know yet, but I'm sure I'll go with my friends and have some fun.

Cameron: Well, I hope you go there because there will be lots of delicious food and at the same time cheap, that's why I'm telling you.

Amaya: Did you say "food"? Well, it looks like I'll have to ask my mom for money to go with Connor and Greg, I really envy you Cameron.

Cameron: please do not bully me, I know you're angry and you thought that I would not invite you good because you already know.

Amaya: Good you better, hey Greg.

Greg: * drawing a lizard * now what?

Amaya: Are you going to go with us to the fair tomorrow?

Greg: Yes, I have free time tomorrow, I go a long time without leaving.

Amaya: very well, well I think I have to go to my house to do homework, bye.

Connor, Greg: Okay.

Amaya leaves school.

In the meantime ... a few minutes later ...

Connor: well I'm going-

* Falls with something * eh? what is this? Oh no, it's from Amaya I have to give it back to you.

Meanwhile Amaya was running in a hurry to get home to finish the task, upon arriving she noticed that she left her notebook in school, scared, do not want to let the task pass (PS: does not like to leave the tasks to The last hour).

Amaya: Oh no, no way, I'm coming back.

Amaya leaves her house and runs back to school. When suddenly...

Marinette leaves the school running like lightning and without realizing it collides with Amaya.

Marinette: oh I'm sorry, I-I'm really sorry.

Amaya: hehe hehe hehe it's nothing-

Strangely Amaya looks at Marinette and She sees Amaya in a strange way

Amaya: Wow ... You look really ... Cute with those clothes, really.

Marinette: Thank you and you.

Amaya: oh thank you very much ... Ehm ... I have to go to school to get my notebook.

Marinette: and I have to go to my house, your notebook? Did you leave it forgotten? That bad.

Amaya: Yes, well I'm going ...

Marinette: Yes.

Amaya: * pensive and running * what a beautiful girl ... who will be? Well that does not matter, what matters most is the homework.

At school...

Cameron: Oh hi Amaya.

Amaya: Hello Cameron, have you seen my notebook that I left forgotten in the classroom?

Cameron: Connor told me I'd deliver it to your house.

Amaya: * Little blush * Connor? B-Well thank you Cameron.

Cameron: You're welcome *

In the house of Amaya.

Amaya: There you are. Connooooor!

Connor: Amaya? Oh Amaya, * blush * take, your notebook.

Amaya: Oh, thank you Connor, if it were not for you, I would never have found it.

Connor blushes again but harder like a tomato.

Amaya: uh ... Connor, is something wrong? You're so red that you're making me nervous :(?

Connor: huh? N-n-it's nothing ... Eh ... See you tomorrow * run away *

Meanwhile in the bakery ...

Marinette: ummmmm ... what will I give Adrien on his birthday?


Amaya: I have to go to school to get my notebook.

End of Flashback ...

Marinette: Ah ya, I'll make you a notebook made by me ... But ... * looking at the window * That girl ... It seems to be a good person.

To be continue...

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