Chapter 6: Lunar Akumatization, comes to light Twilight Girl (Part One)

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The next day, Marinette thought to visit Adrien to see if it is okay, once he got sick because he was in contact with the pigeons for a long time.

Marinette: I have to go visit him, luckily I make Mushroom soup to make him feel better.

On the way to the Mansion of the Agreste ...

Marinette: * ringing *

Good morning I am a close friend of Adrien, is sick and I would like to give you this soup that I made you leave it?

Nathalie: Sure, you have to leave it at the door.

He leaves it at the door

Marinette: Thank you, and tell Adrien to get better soon.

Nathalie: Of course, do not worry you'll be fine.

Marinette: Thank you.

In that Marinette leaves in the hope that Adrien feels better.

Tikki: Looks like you need to see it to see how it is.

Marinette: Yes, but I do not want to interrupt your rest, and you must be in your bed.

Tikki: I see.

On the other hand ... Connor in his room with Greg and Amaya ...

Greg: Guys look here, * holding the tablet * tonight there will be a shower of stars coming from the sky, but it has to be until 12 at night.

Amaya: No way Greg if you want to see it we have to go.

On the other hand...

Marinette: * in bed * why did Adrien have to get sick one day just before the night of the shooting stars? I feel a little clueless.

Tikki: Do not be like that and you'll see that he will feel better and will accompany you.

Marinette: if I have to wait * she covers her head with the pillow *

That's where the phone rings ...

Marinette: Hello?

Amaya: Hello Marinette, ummmmm ... did you know that there will be a shower of stars tonight?

Marinette: Yes, why?

Amaya: Is not Adrien with you?

Connor stares (XD) who is Adrien?

Marinette: no, he's sick and now I do not know who I'm going to see the stars with, it was my chance but Adrien's rush won me.

Amaya: That hurts, and you do not want to come with us? It will be very fun.

Marinette: Really? I would appreciate it, but I will not bother you in front of your friends.

Amaya: It does not bother me, otherwise we're going to have fun.

Marinette: Thank you, well, I'll wait for you there.

Amaya: clear * cut off the call *

Greg: What did he say?

Amaya: Yes.

Connor: * angry and hidden behind the door * I'm going to find out who the Adrien.

At night...

Marinette: * glad * that such a beautiful night, I wish that Adrien was here.

Greg: Do not worry, it'll be fine, another day will be.

Marinette: thanks ... ummmmm ....

Greg: Greg, call me Greg.

Marinette: Yes, Greg.

Connor: Although this is a special day, I do not think I can declare to Amaya, it's impossible :(.

Amaya: This will be the best memory of all.

Everyone laughs except Connor ...

Luna Girl: * in the building * angry * (2) that little bird owes me one, I will not let it get in my plans, much less in my things, I think I'll have to ruin your "date" right, my precious moon? I will do vengeance to destroy it.

Hawk Moth: Go on go, the moonlight that begins to darken and redden, is perfect for my plan. * Transforming the akuma * FLY MY LITTLE AKUMA! ENTER THEM!

The akuma flies off and heads for his Moon-Iman.

Hawk Moth: Hi Twilight Girl, I'm Hawk Moth and I'll give you the moon power you wanted, but in return you have to bring something for me, other than you'll have to destroy the one you hate the most.

Luna Girl: your wishes are orders my lord, the moon is all mine and everything that shines as well.

Luna Girl transforms into accepting Hawk Moth's deal.

(2) I know that Luna Girl only appears when there are no people but it is nothing more because of the envy she has towards the Pj Masks.

(This is never seen in the series)

To be continue...

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